How to Write an Article
Learning how to write an article that Search Engines friendly is worth you efforts. The article writing is one of the most cost-effective ways to increase targeted traffic to your site if you do it through well-written keyword-rich articles. There are simple 6 steps for you to follow.
1. Select a Topic.
This is one of the hardest parts for a new writer. The best way to start is write about an activity that you enjoy, a sport you play, a hobby that you have, the work experiences, health concepts, travel experience and whatever events around your daily life. In fact, the choice is endless. Have the courage of your passion and go for it.
2. Research Keyword in Demand.
Since your purpose of article writing is to increase targeted traffic, so that it is crucial to make your article search engine friendly. Therefore, you must research appropriate keywords that have large demand volume and that related to your selected topic. Do not overlook the supply volume. The lower number is better due to low competitors.
3. Choose a Title.
The title has to capture the heart of the content at the same time as be stunning enough to attract an editor to pick your article out of thousands of others. The key thing that does help your article to the Search Engines friendly is include your keyword in the title once.
4. Plan the content.
Every piece of writing whether a book or an article needs three parts a beginning, middle and the end. Write down the fundamental points about the content. Then use the headings as the guidance. Continue writing the body by expanding the headings. Once this has been achieved, organize the content so that it makes sense just as preserve a beginning, middle and the end.
Do not forget to weave the keywords into the article content as well. Only use it once or twice, do not overdo it.
5. Proof-Read Your Article.
When finished article writing, most writers rush into submits it to the article directories. And later wondering why the article has been rejected. The key is, all content has to be proofed read to ensure that the content flow well and makes sense, is grammatically correct, and that it has the correct spelling. This process is both time consuming and demanding but there are no shortcuts, it has to be done.
6. Check Spelling.
Publishers will reject articles with spelling and grammar mistakes. Majority of word processors now included Spell Checking software. Other than that, use a dictionary. There is no plea for submitting work with spelling and grammar mistakes.
Your article is ready to submit to the article directory.
The secret is in your resource box that you will get the reader to your site. You may say, "By the way, do you want to learn more about (topic of your article)? If so, download my ebook here: (url to squeeze page)."
1. Select a Topic.
This is one of the hardest parts for a new writer. The best way to start is write about an activity that you enjoy, a sport you play, a hobby that you have, the work experiences, health concepts, travel experience and whatever events around your daily life. In fact, the choice is endless. Have the courage of your passion and go for it.
2. Research Keyword in Demand.
Since your purpose of article writing is to increase targeted traffic, so that it is crucial to make your article search engine friendly. Therefore, you must research appropriate keywords that have large demand volume and that related to your selected topic. Do not overlook the supply volume. The lower number is better due to low competitors.
3. Choose a Title.
The title has to capture the heart of the content at the same time as be stunning enough to attract an editor to pick your article out of thousands of others. The key thing that does help your article to the Search Engines friendly is include your keyword in the title once.
4. Plan the content.
Every piece of writing whether a book or an article needs three parts a beginning, middle and the end. Write down the fundamental points about the content. Then use the headings as the guidance. Continue writing the body by expanding the headings. Once this has been achieved, organize the content so that it makes sense just as preserve a beginning, middle and the end.
Do not forget to weave the keywords into the article content as well. Only use it once or twice, do not overdo it.
5. Proof-Read Your Article.
When finished article writing, most writers rush into submits it to the article directories. And later wondering why the article has been rejected. The key is, all content has to be proofed read to ensure that the content flow well and makes sense, is grammatically correct, and that it has the correct spelling. This process is both time consuming and demanding but there are no shortcuts, it has to be done.
6. Check Spelling.
Publishers will reject articles with spelling and grammar mistakes. Majority of word processors now included Spell Checking software. Other than that, use a dictionary. There is no plea for submitting work with spelling and grammar mistakes.
Your article is ready to submit to the article directory.
The secret is in your resource box that you will get the reader to your site. You may say, "By the way, do you want to learn more about (topic of your article)? If so, download my ebook here: (url to squeeze page)."