About Bed Bugs - What You Need to Know
Although they were believed to have been more or less eradicated from the United States over 50 years ago, bed bugs have made in alarming resurgence in the last few years.
During the early part of the 20th century, powerful pesticides such as DDT made existence all but impossible for these tiny parasitic insects.
With the restricted use of such powerful pesticides, these bugs have made a surprising comeback throughout the country.
Unlike past like rats and mice, bed bugs are attracted to warm blooded animals rather than fill or decay.
Bed bugs are small insects which reach only 4 or 5 mm in length at adulthood.
These insects are brown or reddish brown and resemble tiny cockroaches.
They feed off of blood in a similar way to mosquitoes and their bites often resemble pimples.
Rashes and other allergic symptoms are also common when a person shares their home with bedbugs.
These little insects have been feeding off of human beings for thousands of years and they got their name from the fact that they like to share the most intimate piece of furniture in a person's home with them.
The bed makes a perfect place for these creatures to feed on a sleeping host.
Although they are not entirely nocturnal, bedbugs are most active just after an individual falls asleep and just before they wake up.
The individual does not feel the bites while they are happening and generally sleeps right through the bugs feeding frenzy.
These bugs bite only once every 7 to 10 days and once a person realizes that the bite is from a bedbug, the infestation has already begun.
Catching a bedbug invasion at the earliest stages is vital to eradicating them quickly and cheaply.
Once they get a foothold in a dwelling, their population explodes and getting rid of them can be a costly and time-consuming affair.
Eliminating a population of bedbugs can require drastic measures if the infestation is extreme.
These bugs generally like to live in the mattress and box spring of a person's bed but may also live in the cracks of furniture or in the joints of walls and ceilings.
They can live for up to five months without feeding but are not very tolerant of extreme heat or cold.
If a person is going to keep the furniture that the bedbugs have been living in it is generally advised that they completely seal them off for a period of a year or more.
During the early part of the 20th century, powerful pesticides such as DDT made existence all but impossible for these tiny parasitic insects.
With the restricted use of such powerful pesticides, these bugs have made a surprising comeback throughout the country.
Unlike past like rats and mice, bed bugs are attracted to warm blooded animals rather than fill or decay.
Bed bugs are small insects which reach only 4 or 5 mm in length at adulthood.
These insects are brown or reddish brown and resemble tiny cockroaches.
They feed off of blood in a similar way to mosquitoes and their bites often resemble pimples.
Rashes and other allergic symptoms are also common when a person shares their home with bedbugs.
These little insects have been feeding off of human beings for thousands of years and they got their name from the fact that they like to share the most intimate piece of furniture in a person's home with them.
The bed makes a perfect place for these creatures to feed on a sleeping host.
Although they are not entirely nocturnal, bedbugs are most active just after an individual falls asleep and just before they wake up.
The individual does not feel the bites while they are happening and generally sleeps right through the bugs feeding frenzy.
These bugs bite only once every 7 to 10 days and once a person realizes that the bite is from a bedbug, the infestation has already begun.
Catching a bedbug invasion at the earliest stages is vital to eradicating them quickly and cheaply.
Once they get a foothold in a dwelling, their population explodes and getting rid of them can be a costly and time-consuming affair.
Eliminating a population of bedbugs can require drastic measures if the infestation is extreme.
These bugs generally like to live in the mattress and box spring of a person's bed but may also live in the cracks of furniture or in the joints of walls and ceilings.
They can live for up to five months without feeding but are not very tolerant of extreme heat or cold.
If a person is going to keep the furniture that the bedbugs have been living in it is generally advised that they completely seal them off for a period of a year or more.