Home Remedies for Fixing a Shower Leak
- A leaky shower head can be fixed by using one of these simple tips.new shower image by .shock from Fotolia.com
A leaky shower may waste water and lead to an increased water bill. When starting your day, having to deal with a shower head that is spraying water everywhere is annoying. If time is short and cash flow is too low for you to hire a plumber, there are a few simple fixes that may give you a reprieve from your leaky shower. - As long as your shower head is relatively new, you can unscrew the head and apply Teflon tape. The tape adheres to the threads of the shower head and forms a bond over the leaky area. Place the tape over the threads and apply in a clockwise direction. If the tape doesn't do the job and a leak remains, try using pipe thread compound. Pipe thread compound is a sealant that comes in the form of a putty. It can be applied on the shower head threads. Using your fingers, rub the compound into the shower head threads. When applying it, allow enough room on the threads where you can still reattach the shower head. Reattach the shower head and screw the fitting onto the newly bonded threading. The shower head should sit for a few minutes to set the compound before you turn on the water. You can purchase the tape or compound at a home improvement store.
- If the tape or compound doesn't stop the leak, the shower head may be clogged. A clog may keep the water from flowing out of the head, thus driving it through the shower's joints. The shower head can be removed by unscrewing it from the shower pipe. Place tape on the shower head to protect it from scratches. After it is removed, the head should be soaked in white vinegar or a product that removes calcium and lime deposits. This process may remove the clog. Reconnect the shower head and turn on the water. Repeat if necessary.
- If compound or tape doesn't solve the problem and the shower isn't clogged, the problem may be the head unit. The head may be defective if the rubber washer sealing the unit is worn out. Changing the rubber washer may be a quick and inexpensive fix. The head should be taken to a hardware or home improvement store. That way, a replacement washer can be matched to the shower head fitting. Back at home, place the washer on the shower unit and screw the shower head back on. Turn the water on and check for leaks.
Tape or Compound
Unclog the Head
Washer Replacement