Liberals Must Vote to Not Rebuild New Orleans
We are seeing many blame the Hurricane Katrina on the Bush Administration for not signing the Kyoto Treaty and putting a stop to the climate change cycle.
The environmental contingency claims through careful examination of selective data that mankind's industry is the cause of Global Warming.
They say Global Warming is caused by Humans and that it cannot be stopped and this Hurricane Disaster is proof a Category Five Katrina is an example of things to come.
So if they really believe this then they believe that the sea level will rise 18 feet in the next 30 years.
This means New Orleans is pretty much gone no matter what we do there? Therefore they must if they are true to their beliefs call for the savings of 155 Billion Dollars to rebuild it and instead drain it, burn it and use EPA Superfund monies for remediation and then refill it with water, now as that will be all you can use it for.
Perhaps for a port to get the Bio-Fuels made in the upper Midwest out through the Mississippi for exporting to save the environment from Fossil Fuels.
Sure we could have Team Bechtel come in with their "can do anything, anywhere attitude" and rebuild the wall so it cannot ever break again, no problem only a matter of money hundred Billion Dollars plus, but how high do we build the wall 18 feet for the predicted Global Warming future; plus another 30 feet tidal surge for the next super storm and potential future weather norm? The big issue is if your city is under water, then the ground water starts above the ground, meaning the pumps can never stop so you also need a Nuclear power plant and have under ground re-enforced, tunnel system with power wires which cannot be broken and can get wet to keep the pumps running even when the power goes out? So dear liberals; if are you going to walk your own talk you must call for no re-building efforts now; are you? Are you going to call for your own predictions and do what you believe or are you going to file lawsuits in order to block what you truly believe must be done? I am interested how the liberals are going to play this in their PC World of reality denial? It will be fun to watch their selective data reasoning on this matter.
They are a fun group to observe indeed.
Think on this.
The environmental contingency claims through careful examination of selective data that mankind's industry is the cause of Global Warming.
They say Global Warming is caused by Humans and that it cannot be stopped and this Hurricane Disaster is proof a Category Five Katrina is an example of things to come.
So if they really believe this then they believe that the sea level will rise 18 feet in the next 30 years.
This means New Orleans is pretty much gone no matter what we do there? Therefore they must if they are true to their beliefs call for the savings of 155 Billion Dollars to rebuild it and instead drain it, burn it and use EPA Superfund monies for remediation and then refill it with water, now as that will be all you can use it for.
Perhaps for a port to get the Bio-Fuels made in the upper Midwest out through the Mississippi for exporting to save the environment from Fossil Fuels.
Sure we could have Team Bechtel come in with their "can do anything, anywhere attitude" and rebuild the wall so it cannot ever break again, no problem only a matter of money hundred Billion Dollars plus, but how high do we build the wall 18 feet for the predicted Global Warming future; plus another 30 feet tidal surge for the next super storm and potential future weather norm? The big issue is if your city is under water, then the ground water starts above the ground, meaning the pumps can never stop so you also need a Nuclear power plant and have under ground re-enforced, tunnel system with power wires which cannot be broken and can get wet to keep the pumps running even when the power goes out? So dear liberals; if are you going to walk your own talk you must call for no re-building efforts now; are you? Are you going to call for your own predictions and do what you believe or are you going to file lawsuits in order to block what you truly believe must be done? I am interested how the liberals are going to play this in their PC World of reality denial? It will be fun to watch their selective data reasoning on this matter.
They are a fun group to observe indeed.
Think on this.