How to Create a Foam Sheet Model
- 1). Place a 1/4 by 24 by 24 inch piece of poster board onto a flat work surface. Coat the surface of the poster board with acrylic paint to suit the needs of your design. The color of the poster board should emulate what a full scale model of your design will resemble. Allow two hours for the poster board to dry before moving on.
- 2). Mark the outline of your set pieces on the poster board with a pencil. Draw the outline, for example, of where a rectangular display case or a set of bookshelves will sit. Vary the angles and arrangement of each set piece to create a functional picture for the director and additional designers. Place set pieces central to the story in center or downstage positions, for example, while upstage objects are intended for set pieces that are less functional but help fill out the totality of the picture.
- 3). Cut out various Styrofoam and high-density urethane foam pieces to match the outline with a utility or craft knife. Traditional Styrofoam provides a hard and stable surface, while high-density foam is flexible and can bend or twist as necessary. Bond all foam pieces to the poster board with white glue.
- 4). Paint each foam piece in concert with the themes and atmospheres of the play. Coat the edges of walls or tables with blends of green, yellow or blue paints, for example, to represent mold or mildew if you are dealing with themes of atmospheres or dysfunction or poverty. Keep all set pieces dark, for instance, if you are working to achieve a sense of danger or mystery. Allow two additional hours for all pieces to dry before handling or displaying the model.