Astrology - The Age Of Aquarius
Do you remember the '60's musical "Hair", or maybe your grandparents told you about it! The opening number of which was "This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius", or was that the first line? Anyway, there are different theories regarding the start of the age of Aquarius. What most astrologers agree on however is that we are in the age of Aquarius now.There are twelve astrological "ages", each one lasting for a little over 2,000 years. However, due to various reasons, forces, factors etc. A particular "Age" can be longer or shorter than that, and not neccessarily the same each time round. The twelve "ages" run in reverse order to the usual signs of the zodiac.That is to say that whilst the usual signs of the zodiac run in the order: Aries; Taurus; Gemini; Cancer; Leo; Virgo; Libra; Scorpio; Sagittarius; Capricorn; Aquarius; and Pisces. The reverse order applies to the "Ages", meaning that before the age of Aquarius we had the age of Pisces, and after the age of Aquarius will come the age of Capricorn.Some astrologers believe that "Ages" affect mankind in general and also individuals to some degree or other. Whilst others do not believe that individuals are affected so much as civilizations, for example the great Roman Empire was at its most powerful in the "age" of Pisces.Of course this is all open to interpretation, which makes this such a fascinating subject. Personally I don't see how great bodies of people i.e. civilizations, can be affected without the individuals that make up that civilization being affected. It is possible of course that each individual is affected in a similar way. So each interpretation could be correct.Many astrologers take the view that the age of Aquarius is the age when humankind takes control of the Earth, and it's own destiny. This being our heritage. Of course one can see an immediate problem here, because if it is true, as astrology teaches us, that we are in fact influenced by the cosmos around us. Then we can surely never be completely in control of our own destiny. Either as mankind, or as individuals.This makes us mere puppets then? Of course not, we all have choices. In fact one could say that we are in fact governed by the choices we make. Our choices determine the paths and directions we take throughout life, for better or worse. Again, we can come back to everyone being influenced by the cosmos, so are our "choices" in fact pre-determined? Complicated isn't it?Sorry, I do like to make myself think about things. I hope I have made you think also. Still, back to the age of Aquarius. Some astrologers also believe that the many crisies the world has experienced over the past couple of hundred years or so, such as various "world" wars, civil unrest etc. is in fact due to the fact that we are in the "cusp" between the "ages".Just as individual signs of the zodiac experience a short "cusp", or transition between the planets and stars moving in their individual sign, the "ages" also experience a time of transition. However this lasts approximately 250 years. So we can see that, depending of course on when you take the date of the start of the age of aquarius, we could in fact still be in that transition. Not yet fully in the age of aquarius, and still being influenced in part by the age of pisces.During this time it is recognised that, naturally, some individuals will attain the enlightenment of the age of aquarius before others. These individuals will of course tend to become great influential people. Let us hope it will be the influence for good that will prevail. I personally believe that it will be so. Can there really be any choice?