Agra India Tourism
- There are about 20 trains that run per day between Agra, Delhi and Mumbai. A train ride takes about two hours (each way). There are also buses that travel the dusty roads, and one can rent a car, but the train is an excellent way to experience India.
- The Taj Mahal was built by Emperor Shah Jahan to honor his wife. The marble mausoleum has become an international symbol for India. The Red Fort, also widely known, is made from red brick and marble.
- Photography is very popular in Agra, and most families are eager to have their pictures taken with visitors. Ask them if they will snap a shot with you. Travelers may see children with their eyes painted black. This is done so that flies will stay away from their eyes.
- Fatehpur Sikri, also known as the "Forgotten City," is a favorite of travelers. This series of intricately constructed buildings was created by an India Emporer about 350 years ago and served as the capital city of the Mughal Empire.
- Travelers to Agra have suggested that you take your shoes inside the Taj Mahal; that is, put them inside your backpack or purse, because they might not be there when you get out. Also be careful of people hawking their wares at the base of the entrance to the Taj, as the wares are not always worth their price.
Getting There
Main Attractions
Indian Customs
The "Forgotten City"