Universal Learning Remote Instructions
- 1). Press the "Power" button on the device you are programing the universal remote control to. Press and hold the "Setup/Code Search" button on the remote until the remote lights up to indicate you have held the "Setup/Code Search" button long enough.
- 2). Press the button labeled for the device you are programing the remote to. This will assign the device to that button for future use. Go to the TV Codes website (see Resources) and find the codes for the device you are syncing with the remote. Enter each digit of the code into the remote by using the number buttons.
- 3). Ensure the code worked by pressing the "Power" button to see if the device turns off. If the device does turn off, the code has worked. If the device stays on, the code was a dud and you need to repeat the process using another code and continue to do so until you get a code that works.