Ginseng and Chia - Why Are They So Important For Our Body and Health With Ginchia
Most of us have heard about ginseng and have probably wondered exactly what it is and what is does.
The history of ginseng goes back over 5000 years ago.
The Chinese first started using the herb probably as a type of nourishment, but the soon found out that ginseng had incredible rejuvenating properties and they began using the herb in herbal medicines.
Ginseng is from the araliaceae family.
The most common is called Panax ginseng and is found in Asia.
There is another from called Panax Quinquefolius L that is from the Americas.
The biological / genes name of "Panax" means "all heal" in Greek because the Greeks were very aware of the incredible healing powers of ginseng.
The benefits of ginseng are varied and incredible.
Ginseng can improve vitality and memory, help with stress, boost the immune system, decrease blood sugar levels, help balance the metabolism, and help maintain and improve muscle tone.
In ginseng there are 29 active ingredients called ginsenocides or panaxosides.
As well as the above benefits of ginseng, these ingredients help as anti-convulsants, anti-oxidants, and an anti-inflammatory.
The ginseng root also possesses several steroid compounds that are incredibly similar to anabolic steroids found naturally in the human body.
Chia, or Chiatah is a seed that originally formed a major part of the ancient Mayan and Aztec diet.
The seeds contain several vitamins and minerals that we need including: zinc, silicon, copper, iron, calcium, manganese, magnesium, alpha-linoleic, protein, and vitamins A, B, D, E.
Chia is recognized as an antioxidant, nervine, laxative, demulcent, and nutritive.
At one point, Chia was also used as money in Mexico.
The seeds also have strontium in them which is believed to perform as a catalyst in the assimilation of proteins and the production of high energy.
Chia seeds also contain one of the highest known sources of linolenic acid and an incredibly high level of linoleic acid.
Both of these are essential fatty acids and are incredibly important to the human body.
Ginseng and Chia have been around for thousands of years and have been proven to assist the human body in healing itself and helping it be as healthy as it can be.
Modern medicine has recognized Ginseng and Chia as beneficial substances that help us be healthy.
There are a number of different forms of both of these wonderful foods and you should consult your physician or naturopath for the best uses of them for you.
To get both of these products Chia & Ginseng in one package, simply get it from Forever Living Products, a natural based products called Ginchia (Gin-Chia) for obvious Reasons.
Published by FLP Distributor in Canada.
The history of ginseng goes back over 5000 years ago.
The Chinese first started using the herb probably as a type of nourishment, but the soon found out that ginseng had incredible rejuvenating properties and they began using the herb in herbal medicines.
Ginseng is from the araliaceae family.
The most common is called Panax ginseng and is found in Asia.
There is another from called Panax Quinquefolius L that is from the Americas.
The biological / genes name of "Panax" means "all heal" in Greek because the Greeks were very aware of the incredible healing powers of ginseng.
The benefits of ginseng are varied and incredible.
Ginseng can improve vitality and memory, help with stress, boost the immune system, decrease blood sugar levels, help balance the metabolism, and help maintain and improve muscle tone.
In ginseng there are 29 active ingredients called ginsenocides or panaxosides.
As well as the above benefits of ginseng, these ingredients help as anti-convulsants, anti-oxidants, and an anti-inflammatory.
The ginseng root also possesses several steroid compounds that are incredibly similar to anabolic steroids found naturally in the human body.
Chia, or Chiatah is a seed that originally formed a major part of the ancient Mayan and Aztec diet.
The seeds contain several vitamins and minerals that we need including: zinc, silicon, copper, iron, calcium, manganese, magnesium, alpha-linoleic, protein, and vitamins A, B, D, E.
Chia is recognized as an antioxidant, nervine, laxative, demulcent, and nutritive.
At one point, Chia was also used as money in Mexico.
The seeds also have strontium in them which is believed to perform as a catalyst in the assimilation of proteins and the production of high energy.
Chia seeds also contain one of the highest known sources of linolenic acid and an incredibly high level of linoleic acid.
Both of these are essential fatty acids and are incredibly important to the human body.
Ginseng and Chia have been around for thousands of years and have been proven to assist the human body in healing itself and helping it be as healthy as it can be.
Modern medicine has recognized Ginseng and Chia as beneficial substances that help us be healthy.
There are a number of different forms of both of these wonderful foods and you should consult your physician or naturopath for the best uses of them for you.
To get both of these products Chia & Ginseng in one package, simply get it from Forever Living Products, a natural based products called Ginchia (Gin-Chia) for obvious Reasons.
Published by FLP Distributor in Canada.