28 Things You Should Know
Don't live on other peoples opinion about you, because GOD did not consult anybody while creating you.
The first person that feels rejected is the person that rejects himself first.
You need my position to make me feel rejected.
If nobody envies you, then the hand of GOD is not upon your life.
Fear needs your permission to enter you.
Fear of failure is fear to fail.
Don't run away from fear, face it.
Fear is contagious.
Fear limits you from accomplishing great things.
GOD has not given us the spirit of fear, but of boldness.
Courage is the vital ingredient that you need in fighting fear.
Courage is not avoiding fear but mastering it.
Control yourself first then discipline yourself about what you are afraid of.
Delay is not denial.
Every blessing that you need to manifest in the physical, GOD will always use somebody to bring it to pass.
Believe in yourself even if no one believes in you.
Champions eventually wins but winners don't necessarily means that they are champions.
A man who does not know were he is going is already a dead man, but he who knows were he is going might be delayed but will definitely get to his destination.
You never know a true friend until you find yourself in a situation.
The bible is the digitalized compressed voice of GOD.
The bible is the sim card of GOD's voice (22).
You may not know what GOD can use you to do until you find yourself were your pontential is provoked into manifestation.
Captivity is a ministry of detention and limitation to confine people from manifesting the full potentials GOD has put in them.
If your destiny is great, it is people around you that will fight you;but if your destiny is small,it is people from far that will fight you.
Champions also cry but that doesn't mean that they are losers.
The spirit of a man sustains his infirmity.
When your hour comes, the intensity of your enemies increases because they know that your hour has come.
Those who don't take responsibility for their actions invade responsibilities.
Situations and circumstances are the examinations of life to prove who you really are, because you are a digitalized component waiting to be activated.
Don't live on other peoples opinion about you, because GOD did not consult anybody while creating you.
The first person that feels rejected is the person that rejects himself first.
You need my position to make me feel rejected.
If nobody envies you, then the hand of GOD is not upon your life.
Fear needs your permission to enter you.
Fear of failure is fear to fail.
Don't run away from fear, face it.
Fear is contagious.
Fear limits you from accomplishing great things.
GOD has not given us the spirit of fear, but of boldness.
Courage is the vital ingredient that you need in fighting fear.
Courage is not avoiding fear but mastering it.
Control yourself first then discipline yourself about what you are afraid of.
Delay is not denial.
Every blessing that you need to manifest in the physical, GOD will always use somebody to bring it to pass.
Believe in yourself even if no one believes in you.
Champions eventually wins but winners don't necessarily means that they are champions.
A man who does not know were he is going is already a dead man, but he who knows were he is going might be delayed but will definitely get to his destination.
You never know a true friend until you find yourself in a situation.
The bible is the digitalized compressed voice of GOD.
The bible is the sim card of GOD's voice (22).
You may not know what GOD can use you to do until you find yourself were your pontential is provoked into manifestation.
Captivity is a ministry of detention and limitation to confine people from manifesting the full potentials GOD has put in them.
If your destiny is great, it is people around you that will fight you;but if your destiny is small,it is people from far that will fight you.
Champions also cry but that doesn't mean that they are losers.
The spirit of a man sustains his infirmity.
When your hour comes, the intensity of your enemies increases because they know that your hour has come.
Those who don't take responsibility for their actions invade responsibilities.
Situations and circumstances are the examinations of life to prove who you really are, because you are a digitalized component waiting to be activated.