Alternatives to Anti-Anxiety Medication
If you are taking the time to read this article then it is probably safe to say that you have experienced an anxiety attack at some point in your life.
It's a scary thing!If you are not aware of what's really going on then mind goes wild and before you know it you have convinced yourself that you are dying.
Even if you realize what is going on it is really hard to stop it, no matter what you try to do.
I can remember sitting in the emergency room, knowing that I was having an anxiety attack, telling everyone that I was having an anxiety attack, and yet after 2 hours of trying, I just couldn't get it to go away.
For those of you who don't know what it feels like, I'll try to explain it the best that I can.
It's starts with a rush that runs throughout your body.
That feeling is usually followed by fear, as either you know that you are about to have an anxiety attack or you get this feeling that something is about to go very wrong.
Your chest tightens, making it hard to breathe, and your heart feels like it is beating through your chest.
Your hands and feet begin to tingle or go numb, and you can get pains in your chest and shoulders.
Your mind goes a mile a minute, and you begin to believe the worst case scenario.
Are you dying?Probably not, but trying to convince yourself otherwise is next to impossible.
It was only after my second anxiety attack that my physician made the decision to start me on Paxil.
I was reluctant at first, but the fear of having another anxiety attack was enough for me to go ahead with it.
I started on the Paxil soon after, and within a couple of weeks, I started feeling a little better.
Eventually, the fear of having an anxiety attack had faded a way, and I was able to live without the fear.
So Paxil must be a wonder drug, right...
wrong! I began to dread my day to day life being handcuffed by my medication.
The side effects were awful.
My wife began to complain that I was showing no emotion whatsoever good or bad.
Apparently, I gave out the impression that I didn't care about anything.
Which to this day, I'm not sure if that was correct or not.
And don't forget other side effects, like the complete loss of a sex drive.
In fact, it is almost like I had no drive at all.
For instance, writing an article like this wouldn't have been a thought in my mind...
too much work! The problems didn't end there.
After a while, I started to have panic attacks again, as it turned out that my body was building a tolerance to Paxil.
I was required to take a larger doses just to accomplish the same thing.
My body was becoming dependent on the Paxil.
This was most evident when I took a long weekend trip and heaven for bid, I forgot my Paxil.
It only took about 48 hours for the withdrawals to kick in.
Which in itself is a completely different animal.
I don't know what is worse the anxiety attacks or the withdrawals that come with missing a couple of days of my Paxil.
My head and thoughts would be very fuzzy, I was extremely agitated, and my extremities become overcome by shocking sensations.
Painful tingling that got worse every time I moved.
My only option is to stay perfectly still and try calm myself down.
I knew that something had to change.
I researched every where to find out alternatives to using Paxil or other prescription medication to help battle my anxiety.
I found everything from herbal supplements to meditation to acupuncture.
Nothing that showed enough promise to get me to put my heart and soul into.
Until one day, I talked to a fellow Paxil hater who had found a program that changed her life, and made it possible for her to get off all medication (with the doctor's help) and is now living anxiety-free.
No supplements or acupuncture, just a very simple program that has worked for thousands of people.
Well, I tried it and am now on the same path.
I am slowly stepping down from my paxil (to minimize withdrawals) and hopefully i will be completely medication-free in a short time.
And guess what I haven't had a single anxiety attack.
If this is something that you would like to know more about, it's just a click to get all the details.
So head to my page about anxiety attacks [http://www.
com/Panic/] to learn more!
It's a scary thing!If you are not aware of what's really going on then mind goes wild and before you know it you have convinced yourself that you are dying.
Even if you realize what is going on it is really hard to stop it, no matter what you try to do.
I can remember sitting in the emergency room, knowing that I was having an anxiety attack, telling everyone that I was having an anxiety attack, and yet after 2 hours of trying, I just couldn't get it to go away.
For those of you who don't know what it feels like, I'll try to explain it the best that I can.
It's starts with a rush that runs throughout your body.
That feeling is usually followed by fear, as either you know that you are about to have an anxiety attack or you get this feeling that something is about to go very wrong.
Your chest tightens, making it hard to breathe, and your heart feels like it is beating through your chest.
Your hands and feet begin to tingle or go numb, and you can get pains in your chest and shoulders.
Your mind goes a mile a minute, and you begin to believe the worst case scenario.
Are you dying?Probably not, but trying to convince yourself otherwise is next to impossible.
It was only after my second anxiety attack that my physician made the decision to start me on Paxil.
I was reluctant at first, but the fear of having another anxiety attack was enough for me to go ahead with it.
I started on the Paxil soon after, and within a couple of weeks, I started feeling a little better.
Eventually, the fear of having an anxiety attack had faded a way, and I was able to live without the fear.
So Paxil must be a wonder drug, right...
wrong! I began to dread my day to day life being handcuffed by my medication.
The side effects were awful.
My wife began to complain that I was showing no emotion whatsoever good or bad.
Apparently, I gave out the impression that I didn't care about anything.
Which to this day, I'm not sure if that was correct or not.
And don't forget other side effects, like the complete loss of a sex drive.
In fact, it is almost like I had no drive at all.
For instance, writing an article like this wouldn't have been a thought in my mind...
too much work! The problems didn't end there.
After a while, I started to have panic attacks again, as it turned out that my body was building a tolerance to Paxil.
I was required to take a larger doses just to accomplish the same thing.
My body was becoming dependent on the Paxil.
This was most evident when I took a long weekend trip and heaven for bid, I forgot my Paxil.
It only took about 48 hours for the withdrawals to kick in.
Which in itself is a completely different animal.
I don't know what is worse the anxiety attacks or the withdrawals that come with missing a couple of days of my Paxil.
My head and thoughts would be very fuzzy, I was extremely agitated, and my extremities become overcome by shocking sensations.
Painful tingling that got worse every time I moved.
My only option is to stay perfectly still and try calm myself down.
I knew that something had to change.
I researched every where to find out alternatives to using Paxil or other prescription medication to help battle my anxiety.
I found everything from herbal supplements to meditation to acupuncture.
Nothing that showed enough promise to get me to put my heart and soul into.
Until one day, I talked to a fellow Paxil hater who had found a program that changed her life, and made it possible for her to get off all medication (with the doctor's help) and is now living anxiety-free.
No supplements or acupuncture, just a very simple program that has worked for thousands of people.
Well, I tried it and am now on the same path.
I am slowly stepping down from my paxil (to minimize withdrawals) and hopefully i will be completely medication-free in a short time.
And guess what I haven't had a single anxiety attack.
If this is something that you would like to know more about, it's just a click to get all the details.
So head to my page about anxiety attacks [http://www.
com/Panic/] to learn more!