Deer Hunting in Eastern South Dakota
- South Dakota features hunting for both mule deer and whitetail deerMule Deer 2 image by Robert Ulph from
The deer hunting season in Eastern South Dakota, defined as the areas of the state east of the Missouri River, runs from November 20 until December 5. It may be reopened from January 1 to January 9 if the quota of deer have not been taken. Hunters wishing to hunt with bow and arrow must hunt during archery season, which runs from September 25 to December 1. - Public hunting lands are widely availablelandscape view image by Rachwalski Andrzej from
South Dakota hunting licenses are available online through the South Dakota State Game Fish and Parks department. Licensees must be residents of South Dakota or meet one of several exceptions, including being active duty military, to acquire a license. Different licenses are required for hunting antlerless deer or does and fawns. - Hunting on private land without permission is trespassingno hunting image by Inhumane Productions from
There are a number of public hunting grounds in Eastern South Dakota. A complete listing is available online. Hunting on private land without permission constitutes trespassing. South Dakota hunting licenses are valid on Indian trust land, but it is recommended that you contact tribal authorities first. Some state parks allow for deer hunting.
Public Hunting