Relaxing Meditation - Deep Relaxation
It is possible to lose stress and anxiety in a matter of minutes.
All that is required for the beginner is a quiet place to be alone and a small amount of knowledge.
A quiet room with a door is a good place to start.
Be sure you will not be disturbed for 10 minutes.
Sit upright in a chair and close your eyes.
Take a deep breath, letting your belly expand instead of your chest.
Hold it briefly and exhale.
Starting with your feet, consciously tense the muscles in your feet and ankles as you inhale deeply.
Hold the tension and your breath for a few seconds.
As you breath out, relax the muscles and imagine all tension and stress flowing out of your feet and into the earth.
Take another breath in and tighten the muscles in your calves and thighs.
Hold, then relax the muscles as you exhale and allow the tension to drain from your legs, through your feet and into the earth.
Breathe in once more and tighten your buttocks.
Hold briefly then release the tension and exhale.
Feel the stress and tightness percolate down out of your body and into the floor.
Tighten your abdomen and lower back as you inhale deeply.
Hold and let go of the stress in your lower body, feeling it leave you without resistance, to disappear below.
Inhale and tense up your hand and arm muscles, holding for a moment.
Exhale and relax those muscles, letting the stress drain out of your hands and arms.
Breathing in, tighten up your shoulders, chest and upper back.
Keep the tension in briefly then exhale and let the stress drain completely out of your upper body.
Take a deep breath as you tense your open jaw and neck muscles.
Hold the pose and relax, breathing out, letting the tension flow freely away, down and out.
Breathe in and tighten up your face and scalp, holding it a moment.
Exhale and feel all stress and tension vanish from your entire body, draining out completely through your feet.
Breathing slowly, through your belly, sit quietly and notice your body.
If you feel any more tightness, let your attention dwell there for a moment.
Allow those muscles to let go, soften, and relax.
Continue, letting your mind drift along, releasing tension wherever you notice it.
When you are finished, let your mind return to the present.
Slowly open your eyes and take in the room.
Sit quietly a few moments longer and let your body return to normal.
Move slightly in your chair to encourage circulation.
Then get up from your chair.
Notice how relaxed and refreshed you feel.
That is the power of deep relaxation.
Repeat this every day and it will become easier and easier to relax.
Soon you will find that you are relaxed at other times.
Your stress levels will drop.
You will be more tolerant.
This is just the beginning.
It is easy to move from deep relaxation to true meditation.
With repeated meditation, no more than 20 minutes a day, you can lose your stress completely.
You will even learn to feel relaxed in stressful situations.
All it takes is the desire to live a stress-free life.
Find out more about Relaxing Meditation today.
All that is required for the beginner is a quiet place to be alone and a small amount of knowledge.
A quiet room with a door is a good place to start.
Be sure you will not be disturbed for 10 minutes.
Sit upright in a chair and close your eyes.
Take a deep breath, letting your belly expand instead of your chest.
Hold it briefly and exhale.
Starting with your feet, consciously tense the muscles in your feet and ankles as you inhale deeply.
Hold the tension and your breath for a few seconds.
As you breath out, relax the muscles and imagine all tension and stress flowing out of your feet and into the earth.
Take another breath in and tighten the muscles in your calves and thighs.
Hold, then relax the muscles as you exhale and allow the tension to drain from your legs, through your feet and into the earth.
Breathe in once more and tighten your buttocks.
Hold briefly then release the tension and exhale.
Feel the stress and tightness percolate down out of your body and into the floor.
Tighten your abdomen and lower back as you inhale deeply.
Hold and let go of the stress in your lower body, feeling it leave you without resistance, to disappear below.
Inhale and tense up your hand and arm muscles, holding for a moment.
Exhale and relax those muscles, letting the stress drain out of your hands and arms.
Breathing in, tighten up your shoulders, chest and upper back.
Keep the tension in briefly then exhale and let the stress drain completely out of your upper body.
Take a deep breath as you tense your open jaw and neck muscles.
Hold the pose and relax, breathing out, letting the tension flow freely away, down and out.
Breathe in and tighten up your face and scalp, holding it a moment.
Exhale and feel all stress and tension vanish from your entire body, draining out completely through your feet.
Breathing slowly, through your belly, sit quietly and notice your body.
If you feel any more tightness, let your attention dwell there for a moment.
Allow those muscles to let go, soften, and relax.
Continue, letting your mind drift along, releasing tension wherever you notice it.
When you are finished, let your mind return to the present.
Slowly open your eyes and take in the room.
Sit quietly a few moments longer and let your body return to normal.
Move slightly in your chair to encourage circulation.
Then get up from your chair.
Notice how relaxed and refreshed you feel.
That is the power of deep relaxation.
Repeat this every day and it will become easier and easier to relax.
Soon you will find that you are relaxed at other times.
Your stress levels will drop.
You will be more tolerant.
This is just the beginning.
It is easy to move from deep relaxation to true meditation.
With repeated meditation, no more than 20 minutes a day, you can lose your stress completely.
You will even learn to feel relaxed in stressful situations.
All it takes is the desire to live a stress-free life.
Find out more about Relaxing Meditation today.