Stop Recurring Bacterial Vaginosis
There is a study that found out that recurrent bacterial vaginosis is not caused by sexual intercourse.
BV didn't seem to stop from recurring even by treating the male sexual partner of a BV affected woman.
The exact system of recurring bacterial vaginosis is still unknown.
However, there are a few therapeutic options offered to help stop bacterial vaginosis recurrences.
Bacteriotherapy- this approach treatment is not new.
Bacterial intrusion was once widely studied, and tries to control colonization of pathogenic bacteria with "harmless" bacteria were carried out some decades ago.
This method uses harmless bacteria which is lactobacilli bacteria to replace BV-causing bacteria, and is measured natural and without side effects.
It is given orally or applied in vagina.
Lactobacilli from yogurt seem to stick less well to vaginal cells.
It is shown in a study that, with a combination of oral and vaginal lactobacilli replacement, normal vaginal flora can be achieved right after 60 days.
Vaginal pH- You have to maintain vaginal pH at 4.
5 or even less.
It is very important to avoid overgrowth of pathogens in the vaginal surroundings.
One study proven that using lactate gel will help eliminate BV, 88% of women proved it compared to 10% of women who didn't maintain to use vaginal therapy.
Overgrowth of BV-causing organisms - you must prevent the overgrowth of bad bacteria in your vagina in order to stop recurring bacterial vaginosis.
BV recurrences usually happen within the first 7 days of the menstruation and commonly followed by infection.
This infection is called as Candida Infection; this is referred to as candidemia and is usually restrained to rigorously immunocompromised persons, such as cancer, transplant, and AIDS patients.
Using oral or intravaginal metro gel is best advise by experts, and this must be used for 3 days at the beginning of menstruation for 3 to 6 months and to add anti-fungal treatment if you have a record of candidiasis.
So now, you already have knowledge regarding what to do in order to prevent recurring bacterial vaginosis.
The above therapeutic advice will surely help some women to end their sufferings but may not cure all cases.
In summary, the best way to deal with your recurring bacterial vaginosis would be to undertake all features of vaginal disorder by trading lactobacilli, and also by maintaining the vaginal pH at 4.
5 level and if required add complementary treatment to control the growth of bacteria.
BV didn't seem to stop from recurring even by treating the male sexual partner of a BV affected woman.
The exact system of recurring bacterial vaginosis is still unknown.
However, there are a few therapeutic options offered to help stop bacterial vaginosis recurrences.
Bacteriotherapy- this approach treatment is not new.
Bacterial intrusion was once widely studied, and tries to control colonization of pathogenic bacteria with "harmless" bacteria were carried out some decades ago.
This method uses harmless bacteria which is lactobacilli bacteria to replace BV-causing bacteria, and is measured natural and without side effects.
It is given orally or applied in vagina.
Lactobacilli from yogurt seem to stick less well to vaginal cells.
It is shown in a study that, with a combination of oral and vaginal lactobacilli replacement, normal vaginal flora can be achieved right after 60 days.
Vaginal pH- You have to maintain vaginal pH at 4.
5 or even less.
It is very important to avoid overgrowth of pathogens in the vaginal surroundings.
One study proven that using lactate gel will help eliminate BV, 88% of women proved it compared to 10% of women who didn't maintain to use vaginal therapy.
Overgrowth of BV-causing organisms - you must prevent the overgrowth of bad bacteria in your vagina in order to stop recurring bacterial vaginosis.
BV recurrences usually happen within the first 7 days of the menstruation and commonly followed by infection.
This infection is called as Candida Infection; this is referred to as candidemia and is usually restrained to rigorously immunocompromised persons, such as cancer, transplant, and AIDS patients.
Using oral or intravaginal metro gel is best advise by experts, and this must be used for 3 days at the beginning of menstruation for 3 to 6 months and to add anti-fungal treatment if you have a record of candidiasis.
So now, you already have knowledge regarding what to do in order to prevent recurring bacterial vaginosis.
The above therapeutic advice will surely help some women to end their sufferings but may not cure all cases.
In summary, the best way to deal with your recurring bacterial vaginosis would be to undertake all features of vaginal disorder by trading lactobacilli, and also by maintaining the vaginal pH at 4.
5 level and if required add complementary treatment to control the growth of bacteria.