Uses of Tea Tree Oil for Lice
- Tea tree oil is an excellent choice for treating lice because of its natural antibacterial and antifungal properties. It is safe and effective and is readily available in most health food stores or the organic section of some grocery stores. You may choose to use tea tree oil to treat your lice problem rather than medicated shampoos, which may contain pesticides. You can also use it as a means of protection against recurring lice infestation.
- Make sure you purchase oil, which is 100 percent pure and organic. There should be no additives to the oil. You can find good tea tree oil at your local health food store. You can also make online purchases of the oil, but it is recommended to avoid doing this because you never know what you're getting or what quality you are getting. Avoid buying products with tea tree oil in them; rather, purchase a large bottle of pure essential tea tree oil.
- You can mix several drops of tea tree oil into the shampoo you already use or mix it into a bottle of unscented shampoo. The suggested dosage would be four to six drops of tea tree oil to eight to 10 ounces of soap. Tea tree oil is strong, so try not to use too much. A little bit goes a long way. Try mixing it with baby shampoo so that you have a mild shampoo to moisturize your hair and scalp with. For extra protection and treatment, use the same dosage to your conditioner.
You can also mix eight drops of tea tree oil with a half cup of extra virgin olive oil. Massage the mixture deeply into your scalp and cover your head with a towel. Allow to sit for 30 minutes. Wash the oil out of your hair thoroughly and condition as normal.
You can add a few drops of the oil to your laundry detergent and other household cleaners to disinfect and protect the whole house. If the outbreak does not improve after a few days of treatment, seek medical advice.
General Information
Oil Buying Tips
Using the Oil