Catch More Fish - The American Way
These are busy times we live in.
Running a full time business, having a five and a half year old daughter, and becoming the world's most prominent "fish bloggering idiot"--has certainly cut into my fishing time.
It seems that the time I spend fishing has slowly been withering away as, more and more responsibility has been shrinking my free time.
I have been wrestling with how to juggle these tasks and like most folks--realize there just isn't enough time in a day.
So, I have decided that there is really only one solution to this dilemna, and have decided in the interest of catching more fish I am going to make a drastic change.
Yes, it was a tough decision, and a lot of you will say this isn't good for the country, and may ultimately put an end to my fishing days, but I have contacted Mr.
Vijay Back-casta in New Delhi India, and from here forward he will be doing my fishing for me.
I have signed a two year contract in which, anytime a friend calls wanting to go fishing he will be routed to Mr.
Back-castas phone in New Delhi.
"Elloo dis is Ajay, do you wish to go feeshing today?" Now I know this will seem a little awkward at first and you may have to use your imagination--BUT while you are casting for steelhead on the Rogue river--Mr.
Back-casta will be simultaneously fishing for the famed Himalayan Mahseer on the Ramganga river in India! BRILLIANT! Now I will be able to get to my daughters soccer practice, pay some bills.
AND catch fish all at the same time.
If I get the urge to dangle a worm or fling a fly in the middle of the afternoon, I simply will pick up the phone and "outsource my fishing" for that day.
What could be more efficient and "fish profitable" than that? Who knows, by the end of the year I may catch more fish than I have ever caught before.
If it works out well, I may even contract out several other outsources in...
maybe the Philippines or China..
I wonder if they have any outsourcing opportunities in New Zealand?? As the year goes on you will hear of my adventures on the Yangtze, sight-fishing on the South island in New Zealand, and maybe even a fishless day or two in Kamchatka.
Sometimes I may be seemingly in two places in one time!! I bet I will be having a GREAT time!! I expect the transition to be seamless for most of you and you probably won't actually know that when you call me up to see how the Spring Chinook run is faring-- it will really be Vijay giving you the semi- up to the minute report from the Rogue...
"Yas, elloo Kuurt dar ah meny, meny Sahmon coming up dee riveah--it is bootifuul.
" "Pleese not to veesit dough-- I am berry, berry, beezy!!" So, there you have it-- a way to have my cake and Salmon too! And all for under $2.
00 dollars an hour--I just can't hardly afford to NOT outsource my fishing-- heck it costs me WAY more than $2.
00 an hour to fish.
Do the math.
You also may want to consider this option, and if time is at a premium for you as it is for me--well, I can get you hooked up with Mr.
Back-casta, and soon you can be at the movies eating popcorn and catching bonefish in Thailand at the same time.
Just think what your fishing journal will look like at the end of the year.
Nothing but fish, fish fish.
Well, I have got to get busy now, seems the business needs me and my daughter wants to play Barbie this afternoon.
Now lets see..
where should I fish this afternoon...
Running a full time business, having a five and a half year old daughter, and becoming the world's most prominent "fish bloggering idiot"--has certainly cut into my fishing time.
It seems that the time I spend fishing has slowly been withering away as, more and more responsibility has been shrinking my free time.
I have been wrestling with how to juggle these tasks and like most folks--realize there just isn't enough time in a day.
So, I have decided that there is really only one solution to this dilemna, and have decided in the interest of catching more fish I am going to make a drastic change.
Yes, it was a tough decision, and a lot of you will say this isn't good for the country, and may ultimately put an end to my fishing days, but I have contacted Mr.
Vijay Back-casta in New Delhi India, and from here forward he will be doing my fishing for me.
I have signed a two year contract in which, anytime a friend calls wanting to go fishing he will be routed to Mr.
Back-castas phone in New Delhi.
"Elloo dis is Ajay, do you wish to go feeshing today?" Now I know this will seem a little awkward at first and you may have to use your imagination--BUT while you are casting for steelhead on the Rogue river--Mr.
Back-casta will be simultaneously fishing for the famed Himalayan Mahseer on the Ramganga river in India! BRILLIANT! Now I will be able to get to my daughters soccer practice, pay some bills.
AND catch fish all at the same time.
If I get the urge to dangle a worm or fling a fly in the middle of the afternoon, I simply will pick up the phone and "outsource my fishing" for that day.
What could be more efficient and "fish profitable" than that? Who knows, by the end of the year I may catch more fish than I have ever caught before.
If it works out well, I may even contract out several other outsources in...
maybe the Philippines or China..
I wonder if they have any outsourcing opportunities in New Zealand?? As the year goes on you will hear of my adventures on the Yangtze, sight-fishing on the South island in New Zealand, and maybe even a fishless day or two in Kamchatka.
Sometimes I may be seemingly in two places in one time!! I bet I will be having a GREAT time!! I expect the transition to be seamless for most of you and you probably won't actually know that when you call me up to see how the Spring Chinook run is faring-- it will really be Vijay giving you the semi- up to the minute report from the Rogue...
"Yas, elloo Kuurt dar ah meny, meny Sahmon coming up dee riveah--it is bootifuul.
" "Pleese not to veesit dough-- I am berry, berry, beezy!!" So, there you have it-- a way to have my cake and Salmon too! And all for under $2.
00 dollars an hour--I just can't hardly afford to NOT outsource my fishing-- heck it costs me WAY more than $2.
00 an hour to fish.
Do the math.
You also may want to consider this option, and if time is at a premium for you as it is for me--well, I can get you hooked up with Mr.
Back-casta, and soon you can be at the movies eating popcorn and catching bonefish in Thailand at the same time.
Just think what your fishing journal will look like at the end of the year.
Nothing but fish, fish fish.
Well, I have got to get busy now, seems the business needs me and my daughter wants to play Barbie this afternoon.
Now lets see..
where should I fish this afternoon...