Thoughtful Gifts for Parents
- Give your parents a gift that takes them down memory lane. Most couples have boxes of photos stored in the basement or attic, so arrange these into a scrapbook or photo album in chronological order that preserves precious memories in an organized manner. Arrange photos back from when the couple started dating to more recent ones, along with their wedding, births of children, family vacations, social events and others that depict the glorified past. Alternatively, treat your parents to a fully paid weekend getaway to the place they spent their honeymoon. Arrange all the details of the weekend beforehand so your parents don't have anything to worry about when they get there.
- Pamper your parents with passes to a couple's massage at a fancy spa. Inform the management beforehand and request them to treat the couple like royalty. Alternatively, give your parents a chance to relax at home irrespective of whether they work or are retired. A massage kit that focuses on key stress points such as the shoulders, back and legs fits easily into any recliner and is welcomed by parents with recurring pains of arthritis. Other options include an electric blanket in the winter, a comfortable bath robe for each or a television set upgrade. Household chores can become straining for older parents, so consider setting them up with a service company that provides domestic help weekly or bi-weekly, whatever your parents prefer.
- Give your parents a chance to experience something they've always wanted to but were tied down with the responsibilities of raising a family and establishing a career. A paid lesson by a golf professional will give the couple a chance to get fresh air and enjoy each other's company if they like the sport. Similarly, scuba-diving lessons, gardening lessons, yoga lessons or even something simple like aerobics classes three days a week gives the parents a chance to exercise and remain healthy.
- Give your parents a gift that makes daily chores easier. Give them a food processor if they chop fruits and vegetables by hand, or an electric microwave to make the process of heating food in the oven easier and quicker. Replace the telephone set with a cordless one that increases mobility. Make a list of family and friends' birthdays and pin them on a board, with a box of assorted cards that covers all important occasions and a book of stamps.
Memory Lane
Pamper Gifts
New Experience
Convenience Gifts