Heroin Addiction - Beau Mason
Heroin is an illegal drug that is derived from morphine. Heroin affects the brain's pleasure and craving pathways causing intense feelings of euphoria. Heroin also has an incredible ability to eliminate the body's ability to feel pain. As this drug feels so good to the user, it is also highly addictive. Among the people who use heroin, it is extremely rare for them not to develop a heroin addiction, sometimes after only their first or second dose. For the last 100 years heroin has been one of the most popular drugs used in Hollywood, although ironically, heroin addiction usually does not do wonders for one's appearance, leaving the user looking worn out and beat up.
How Heroin Addiction Affects One's Appearance?
Heroin addiction is probably the hardest addiction to overcome. Heroin not only ruins your health, but steals your vitality, your youth, and in many cases, your life. Heroin users can usually be identified by the way they look. Besides obvious bruises and rugged injection marks on their arms, people are actively addicted to heroin will also tend to have the following features:
* Droopy posture
* Constricted pupils
* Poor hygiene
* Constant runny nose
* Watery eyes
* Lethargic personality
* Slurred speech
* Eyes appear to be sleepy
* Pale skin, and clammy hands
As you can see by these side effects, people who suffer from heroin addiction are anything but glamorous. Usually addicts appear as if they are a shell of their former selves without a spirit or will.
Save Yourself and Your Looks with Heroin Addiction Treatment
Heroin addiction treatment can help you get back to your former self. A successful treatment program can teach you how to manage your addiction and provide you with holistic practices you can implement into your daily life to regain your mental, physical and spiritual vitality. The recovery rates for heroin dependency is less than 3%; however when Ibogaine and/or Ibogaine treatment is used, success rates are exponentially improved.
Call an addiction help line to speak with a counselor today. Any professional counselor will provide you with a free and confidential assessment of your heroin addiction that will help you determine your best treatment scenario. Do not waste any more time fighting the addiction, you are not getting any younger. Research Ibogaine and/or Ibogaine treatment providers today.
How Heroin Addiction Affects One's Appearance?
Heroin addiction is probably the hardest addiction to overcome. Heroin not only ruins your health, but steals your vitality, your youth, and in many cases, your life. Heroin users can usually be identified by the way they look. Besides obvious bruises and rugged injection marks on their arms, people are actively addicted to heroin will also tend to have the following features:
* Droopy posture
* Constricted pupils
* Poor hygiene
* Constant runny nose
* Watery eyes
* Lethargic personality
* Slurred speech
* Eyes appear to be sleepy
* Pale skin, and clammy hands
As you can see by these side effects, people who suffer from heroin addiction are anything but glamorous. Usually addicts appear as if they are a shell of their former selves without a spirit or will.
Save Yourself and Your Looks with Heroin Addiction Treatment
Heroin addiction treatment can help you get back to your former self. A successful treatment program can teach you how to manage your addiction and provide you with holistic practices you can implement into your daily life to regain your mental, physical and spiritual vitality. The recovery rates for heroin dependency is less than 3%; however when Ibogaine and/or Ibogaine treatment is used, success rates are exponentially improved.
Call an addiction help line to speak with a counselor today. Any professional counselor will provide you with a free and confidential assessment of your heroin addiction that will help you determine your best treatment scenario. Do not waste any more time fighting the addiction, you are not getting any younger. Research Ibogaine and/or Ibogaine treatment providers today.