How to Save My Marriage - 2 Great Tips That Made Me Stop My Divorce! Do Not Miss This at All!
I want to make this article as short and to the point as I can, but to do that I need to pass on my story as it exactly happened.
Do not worry - it'll be as quick as you blink: Our marriage was faltering.
I had seen a divorce coming for some time now, as my husband's interest in me gradually waned and was now completely nonexistent.
Yes, I was expecting him to say that he wanted a divorce; but when he did, I was shocked nonetheless.
I was simply devastated.
But I was determined to fight for my marriage.
Every second I tried to think of methods to save my marriage.
First I apologized.
Then I begged.
Then I acted like I didn't care at all - something HAD TO work, right? No, nothing did.
But today, I am still with my husband and our marriage is firmer, stronger and healthier than ever.
It is a true joy to be in this marriage.
What changed? I stopped doing what I "felt like" and received some outside advice of tremendous value; some of which I am passing on to you now: 1.
Stop begging, crying, apologizing: Begging is wrong on so many levels.
It makes you look pathetic, and no one wants a pathetic spouse.
It makes your spouse even more fed up with you.
It marks you as "easy to have", since you are begging.
People want what they CAN'T have, not what they can easily have! Stop doing these immediately! 2.
Be absent: As I said before, your spouse is fed up with you.
It won't help to be in front of your spouse every hour of the day.
You have to reverse this situation - for example, in a Sunday morning, go out and don't come until it's evening.
Regardless how bad your marriage is, your spouse is used to your presence and when you're not there, it will make your spouse subconsciously miss you.
Do not worry - it'll be as quick as you blink: Our marriage was faltering.
I had seen a divorce coming for some time now, as my husband's interest in me gradually waned and was now completely nonexistent.
Yes, I was expecting him to say that he wanted a divorce; but when he did, I was shocked nonetheless.
I was simply devastated.
But I was determined to fight for my marriage.
Every second I tried to think of methods to save my marriage.
First I apologized.
Then I begged.
Then I acted like I didn't care at all - something HAD TO work, right? No, nothing did.
But today, I am still with my husband and our marriage is firmer, stronger and healthier than ever.
It is a true joy to be in this marriage.
What changed? I stopped doing what I "felt like" and received some outside advice of tremendous value; some of which I am passing on to you now: 1.
Stop begging, crying, apologizing: Begging is wrong on so many levels.
It makes you look pathetic, and no one wants a pathetic spouse.
It makes your spouse even more fed up with you.
It marks you as "easy to have", since you are begging.
People want what they CAN'T have, not what they can easily have! Stop doing these immediately! 2.
Be absent: As I said before, your spouse is fed up with you.
It won't help to be in front of your spouse every hour of the day.
You have to reverse this situation - for example, in a Sunday morning, go out and don't come until it's evening.
Regardless how bad your marriage is, your spouse is used to your presence and when you're not there, it will make your spouse subconsciously miss you.