How to Control your Weight
Those who struggle with excess weight know that one has to feel full after eating to be able to diet.
Without this it is almost impossible to not overeat.
Overweight individuals often suffer from elevated glucose levels.
These fluctuations in sugar cause sugar to drop and produce a feeling of hunger.
The modern Western diet contributes to fluctuating blood sugar metabolism and insulin resistance which can lead to adult onset diabetes.
Through the years processed food intake has increased while fiber intake has decreased.
At the same time obesity rates have climbed.
Permanent weight loss is achievable by consuming foods high in fiber.
Higher fiber intake is associated with lower average body weight.
In the Nurses Health study they found that the women who consumed more fiber weighed less that those that ingested less fiber.
There is a link between ingesting carbohydrates and the blood sugar response.
After consuming a large meal containing refined carbohydrates that are quickly absorbed and devoid of soluble fiber, you can experience high blood sugar.
The operative word is refined rather than whole grain.
Whole grains have high fiber content and a low glycemic index.
This means you will not have a large spike in your blood sugar level.
The lower glycemic level and the fiber promote satiety and weigh loss.
This is how you control your weight by a whole food diet.
Some nutritionists believe that vegetarians, lower weight are the result of more plant fiber.
Plant food fills you up quickly and that keeps you from binging.
Researchers found that people living in countries with high fiber intake weighed less than people living in places with low fiber foods.
The benefits of a plant type diet to control weight are enormous.
The number of calories consumed will be smaller.
That alone is a great benefit if you want to control your weight.
The other effects will be lowering cholesterol levels and total cholesterol/HDL ratio.
By promoting a feeling of fullness through diet, controlling weight becomes easier.
Supplementing your diet with whole nutritious foods can improve your blood pressure readings and a whole range of health problems.
It also offers protection from various other age related conditions.
Calorie restriction helps to control glucose.
The reason that people who lose weight also have some of these benefits is because of consuming fewer calories brings about health improvements.
Combine this with good fats that also help you feel full, and you are on your way to a lifetime of natural weight control.
Good fats are found in whole foods.
From avocados, grass fed meat, fish and olive oil to the natural fats in nuts and seed there is a plentiful supply.
Weight control is a lifestyle and not a particular diet.
Stop dieting to control weight and start living a healthy lifestyle.
Dieting is for the short haul and virtually useless.
To succeed at weight control is really to succeed at taking care of you.
Foods high in fiber contribute to weight loss while keeping you healthy.
Without this it is almost impossible to not overeat.
Overweight individuals often suffer from elevated glucose levels.
These fluctuations in sugar cause sugar to drop and produce a feeling of hunger.
The modern Western diet contributes to fluctuating blood sugar metabolism and insulin resistance which can lead to adult onset diabetes.
Through the years processed food intake has increased while fiber intake has decreased.
At the same time obesity rates have climbed.
Permanent weight loss is achievable by consuming foods high in fiber.
Higher fiber intake is associated with lower average body weight.
In the Nurses Health study they found that the women who consumed more fiber weighed less that those that ingested less fiber.
There is a link between ingesting carbohydrates and the blood sugar response.
After consuming a large meal containing refined carbohydrates that are quickly absorbed and devoid of soluble fiber, you can experience high blood sugar.
The operative word is refined rather than whole grain.
Whole grains have high fiber content and a low glycemic index.
This means you will not have a large spike in your blood sugar level.
The lower glycemic level and the fiber promote satiety and weigh loss.
This is how you control your weight by a whole food diet.
Some nutritionists believe that vegetarians, lower weight are the result of more plant fiber.
Plant food fills you up quickly and that keeps you from binging.
Researchers found that people living in countries with high fiber intake weighed less than people living in places with low fiber foods.
The benefits of a plant type diet to control weight are enormous.
The number of calories consumed will be smaller.
That alone is a great benefit if you want to control your weight.
The other effects will be lowering cholesterol levels and total cholesterol/HDL ratio.
By promoting a feeling of fullness through diet, controlling weight becomes easier.
Supplementing your diet with whole nutritious foods can improve your blood pressure readings and a whole range of health problems.
It also offers protection from various other age related conditions.
Calorie restriction helps to control glucose.
The reason that people who lose weight also have some of these benefits is because of consuming fewer calories brings about health improvements.
Combine this with good fats that also help you feel full, and you are on your way to a lifetime of natural weight control.
Good fats are found in whole foods.
From avocados, grass fed meat, fish and olive oil to the natural fats in nuts and seed there is a plentiful supply.
Weight control is a lifestyle and not a particular diet.
Stop dieting to control weight and start living a healthy lifestyle.
Dieting is for the short haul and virtually useless.
To succeed at weight control is really to succeed at taking care of you.
Foods high in fiber contribute to weight loss while keeping you healthy.