Why Did We Break Up? Find Out The Sole Reason Why Most Couples Break Up And The Perfect Solution!
Did your ex break up with you, and you are completely clueless about it? Do you feel really lost, and wish you still had your ex, but for some reason they still want to remain broken up?
Maybe they even told you that it wasn't "you, but it's me", and you really still feel like it's your fault. But, don't worry, because everything is about to become crystal clear. Read on to find out the sole reason why most couples break up and the perfect solution which can reverse your breakup....
I challenge you... sort of...
By nature, human beings are CHALLENGE driven right from birth. We see our parents walking, and immediately want to walk as well. We see people speaking, and we want to speak as well, and the reason we do is because it's challenging. That is why children love to learn so many new things, see things and experience things so much.
But with time, we lose grasp of this concept and forget that we need to be challenged and we also need to challenge. Consider it like this:
If you had a child, would you only teach them the same 5 words for life? Or would you want to expand their vocabulary, teach them to read and write, and teach them how to use each word accordingly?
Obviously, you would want the best for your child, and you would want to challenge them so that they can become better and can become great. However, what happens in relationships, is unfortunately NOT the same.
Instead, what we do with our partners is say "I challenge you... sort of", and trust me, this DOES NOT cut it in a relationship, and it's the sole reason why breakups occur, because one or both partners feels unchallenged.
Challenging your partner to win them back
So as you can see, we wouldn't think the same way with a child or even with yourself, so you should begin thinking along different terms and lines with your ex. So, since your partner feels as though you don't challenge them, they also feel as though their needs are not being met.
You want to undo this feeling by starting to challenge your partner. Since you already know the kinds of things that drive your partner, you are already in a good position. All you have to do now, is support him/her for what they want, but also bring new ideas and concepts to the table.
Once of the best ways to IMMEDIATELY do this is to change. I mean drastic and instant change, both physically, emotionally, socially, and mentally. You must spend as much time from this point on trying to improve yourself, so that your ex can feel challenged once again.
Their curiosity will build, because they will feel as though they no longer know everything about you, and you will challenge them by changing, which they never expected.
Pay Close Attention Here-
Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out-Click Here
Feel free to use this article as long as the links are kept live.
Maybe they even told you that it wasn't "you, but it's me", and you really still feel like it's your fault. But, don't worry, because everything is about to become crystal clear. Read on to find out the sole reason why most couples break up and the perfect solution which can reverse your breakup....
I challenge you... sort of...
By nature, human beings are CHALLENGE driven right from birth. We see our parents walking, and immediately want to walk as well. We see people speaking, and we want to speak as well, and the reason we do is because it's challenging. That is why children love to learn so many new things, see things and experience things so much.
But with time, we lose grasp of this concept and forget that we need to be challenged and we also need to challenge. Consider it like this:
If you had a child, would you only teach them the same 5 words for life? Or would you want to expand their vocabulary, teach them to read and write, and teach them how to use each word accordingly?
Obviously, you would want the best for your child, and you would want to challenge them so that they can become better and can become great. However, what happens in relationships, is unfortunately NOT the same.
Instead, what we do with our partners is say "I challenge you... sort of", and trust me, this DOES NOT cut it in a relationship, and it's the sole reason why breakups occur, because one or both partners feels unchallenged.
Challenging your partner to win them back
So as you can see, we wouldn't think the same way with a child or even with yourself, so you should begin thinking along different terms and lines with your ex. So, since your partner feels as though you don't challenge them, they also feel as though their needs are not being met.
You want to undo this feeling by starting to challenge your partner. Since you already know the kinds of things that drive your partner, you are already in a good position. All you have to do now, is support him/her for what they want, but also bring new ideas and concepts to the table.
Once of the best ways to IMMEDIATELY do this is to change. I mean drastic and instant change, both physically, emotionally, socially, and mentally. You must spend as much time from this point on trying to improve yourself, so that your ex can feel challenged once again.
Their curiosity will build, because they will feel as though they no longer know everything about you, and you will challenge them by changing, which they never expected.
Pay Close Attention Here-
Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out-Click Here
Feel free to use this article as long as the links are kept live.