How to Fill Out a Kansas Individual Income Tax Form
- 1). Obtain a K-40 form from the Kansas Department of Revenue website, or by calling the voicemail form request line. Any individual resident over the age of 18 and who earns an income of at least $5,250, or $10,500 as a married couple, must file an individual tax return form while under the age of 65.
- 2). Use lines 1 through 3 to indicate your total income for the year. In Line 4, note whether you are choosing to take the standard deduction -- $3,000 for an individual as of 2011 -- or to itemize your deductions. You can only itemize deductions on your Kansas return if you are also itemizing the deductions on your federal return.
- 3). Fill out Line 5 with your exemption allowance. Calculate your allowance by multiplying the deductions you are claiming by $2,250. For example, if you are claiming two deductions, enter $5,500 in Line 5. Lines 6 and 7 are used to note your total deductions and taxable income, respectively; the form indicates which other lines on your K-40 you should add or subtract together to determine your deductions and taxable income.
- 4). Enter your calculated tax in Line 8. Look back at Line 7 to determine how you will compute this; if Line 7 is $50,000 or less on your K-40 form, use the tax tables form to calculate the amount of your tax. If the amount you entered in Line 7 is more than $50,000, use the tax computation schedules to find out your tax. Both forms are available on the Kansas Department of Revenue website. Residents can skip lines 8 and 9. If you are filing as a non-resident, use the lines to indicate which percentage of your total income for the year you are allocating to Kansas.
- 5). Look at Line 11 to see if it applies to you -- only enter an amount if you received a lump sum income throughout the year. Enter your total income tax in Line 12 -- compute this number by adding together Lines 8 and 11.
- 6). Use lines 13 through 17 to enter any credits you are due. Available credits include those for taxes paid to other states and child care expenses.
- 7). Fill out lines 20 through 25 to indicate the taxes that have already been withheld and any payments toward your taxes that have already been made, such as estimated taxes paid in association with 1099 contract work. Go to the Kansas Department of Revenue website to get instructions for how to fill out the earned income credit and food sales tax refund, if you think they apply to you.
- 8). Compare Line 19 to Line 28. If Line 19 is greater than Line 28, you have underpayed your taxes for the year. Enter the underpayment amount in Line 19. If line 19 is less than Line 28, you have overpaid. Enter the amount of overpayment in Line 34.
- 9). Sign your return -- it cannot be processed without a signature. If you are filing on behalf of someone who has passed away, the form must be signed by the appointed executor. If someone helps you prepare your taxes, they must also sign in the space provided for a preparer's signature.