Why Laser Hair Removal in Dubai
Why Laser Hair Removal in Dubai, as opposed to all the other options available? Most other hair removal techniques are not permanent and require a lot of time and energy on a daily or weekly basis. Laser treatment in Dubai is also the better option for your skin, as shaving, waxing and hair removal creams can damage skin overtime. In a city, where the weather is very hot and humid, making sure your skin is well moisturized and protected is important.
Skin, is the biggest organ in the human body, and has many duties in keeping us alive and well. It is for this reason that the skin requires extra precaution when procedures are done on it. The skin has many functions, like temperature and infection control, water storage, and is self-reliant on obtaining its own oxygen and nutrients, in addition to regenerating itself ever so often. The new cells of skin surface when the old cells fall out, allowing our body to develop, grow and stretch when we, gain and lose weight, or during pregnancy. Shaving, waxing and hair removal creams, damage the skin on the long run, causing dry skin, wrinkles, cuts and bruises.
The process of laser hair removal is a focused beam of light that is directed onto skin and is absorbed by the pigment Melanin, in the hair follicle. It is melanin that gives hair its darker colour. It is the same pigment that gives our skin the browning effect. Melanin, which is found in excess in Africans and Asian descendants, is almost not present in lighter skinned individuals. The more melanin a person has the more light they can absorb and hence get a tan, or become sunburned. This is why laser works best on lighter skinned individuals with darker hair. The skin will not absorb the light, but the hair follicle will. The light is turned to heat, which disrupts the hair growth, causing it to fall out. Laser hair removal can last months, years sometimes, depending on the individual and the strength of the hair follicle itself. Some people report hair free skin for life.
It is important that the hair is shaved before obtaining laser treatment to ensure that the hair above the skin does not shadow the light from reaching the root of the hair; where the treatment is more effective. It is also important that individuals wanting to receive laser treatment stay completely away from direct sunlight, as a recent tan, sunburn, means the skin will have a high composite of Melanin, which will absorb the laser, preventing it from reaching the hair follicle.
There are certain temporary side effects like light swelling or skin redness, usually resolved with the application of moisturiser or a cooling gel in a day.
There are many other uses for laser, like age spots, wrinkles, removing unwanted veins, pimple scars and so much more. If you have any concerns with regards to your skin and would like to explore your options for improving the look and feel, please make an appointment with the British Lasik and Cosmetic Surgery Center. Our Many doctors and therapists are qualified to make a proper medical assessment of your skin advising you on what best suits your concerns based on your expectations.
For more, visit: [http://britishlasikdubai.com/blc/]
Skin, is the biggest organ in the human body, and has many duties in keeping us alive and well. It is for this reason that the skin requires extra precaution when procedures are done on it. The skin has many functions, like temperature and infection control, water storage, and is self-reliant on obtaining its own oxygen and nutrients, in addition to regenerating itself ever so often. The new cells of skin surface when the old cells fall out, allowing our body to develop, grow and stretch when we, gain and lose weight, or during pregnancy. Shaving, waxing and hair removal creams, damage the skin on the long run, causing dry skin, wrinkles, cuts and bruises.
The process of laser hair removal is a focused beam of light that is directed onto skin and is absorbed by the pigment Melanin, in the hair follicle. It is melanin that gives hair its darker colour. It is the same pigment that gives our skin the browning effect. Melanin, which is found in excess in Africans and Asian descendants, is almost not present in lighter skinned individuals. The more melanin a person has the more light they can absorb and hence get a tan, or become sunburned. This is why laser works best on lighter skinned individuals with darker hair. The skin will not absorb the light, but the hair follicle will. The light is turned to heat, which disrupts the hair growth, causing it to fall out. Laser hair removal can last months, years sometimes, depending on the individual and the strength of the hair follicle itself. Some people report hair free skin for life.
It is important that the hair is shaved before obtaining laser treatment to ensure that the hair above the skin does not shadow the light from reaching the root of the hair; where the treatment is more effective. It is also important that individuals wanting to receive laser treatment stay completely away from direct sunlight, as a recent tan, sunburn, means the skin will have a high composite of Melanin, which will absorb the laser, preventing it from reaching the hair follicle.
There are certain temporary side effects like light swelling or skin redness, usually resolved with the application of moisturiser or a cooling gel in a day.
There are many other uses for laser, like age spots, wrinkles, removing unwanted veins, pimple scars and so much more. If you have any concerns with regards to your skin and would like to explore your options for improving the look and feel, please make an appointment with the British Lasik and Cosmetic Surgery Center. Our Many doctors and therapists are qualified to make a proper medical assessment of your skin advising you on what best suits your concerns based on your expectations.
For more, visit: [http://britishlasikdubai.com/blc/]