"The Simpsons" Parody "It"s a Wonderful Life
The Simpsonsgoofs on classic and famous movies all the time. In "Bart Gets an F" in the second season, there's a funny scene that's a take from Gone With the Wind. In the twenty-third season, a segement of "Treehouse of Horror XXII makes fun of Avatar.
No classic iconic movie is immune. It's a Wonderful Life, a classic holiday film, has been parodied on The Simpsons many times. It's a Wonderful Life was released in 1947.
The black and white movie, directed by Frank Capra, stars Jimmy Stewart as George Bailey, a businessman who begins losing faith in mankind and wishes he had never been born. Clarence, an angel played by Henry Travers, shows George what his hometown and the lives of his friends and family would have been like if he had never existed. George realizes how blessed he is and regains hope for the future.
Following is a list of moments on The Simpsons taken right from the Frank Capra movie.
"Fear of Flying"
Homer begs Marge to fly away on vacation saying, "I wanna shake off the dust of this one-horse town. I wanna explore the world. I wanna watch TV in a different time zone. I wanna visit strange, exotic malls. I'm sick of eating hoagies! I want a grinder, a sub, a foot-long hero! I want to live, Marge! Won't you let me live? Won't you, please?" Original Air Date: December 18, 1994
"When Flanders Failed"
In the last scene, the way the characters are dressed and the way they sing are reminiscent of the last scene of It's a Wonderful Life.
Original Air Date: October 30, 1991
"Miracle on Evergreen Terrace"
Again, the last scene in "It's a Wonderful Life" is played out when the townspeople bring money to the Simpsons when their gifts and tree are "stolen." (The title of this episode is a play on Original Air Date: December 21, 1997
"Simpson and Delilah"
Homer runs through the streets celebrating his new hair, just like George Bailey celebrating life. Original Air Date: October 18, 1990
"Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish"
Mary Bailey has the same name as Donna Reed's character. Original Air Date: November 1, 1990