How to Test for Dust Mites
- 1). Buy a detection kit to test your home for the presence of dust mites. According to the University of Kentucky, you can buy testing kits such as Acarex.
- 2). Take out the testing solution and a test strip from your detection kit and set aside. Take a sample from your vacuum cleaner (preferably the dust) using the dust collector provided in your kit. Place the dust sample into the testing solution.
- 3). Mix the dust sample and solution together inside of the provided tube in your kit. Then take the strip test and place it within the tube. A positive result will appear within a minute of placing the strip test within the mixed solution.
- 1). Get seen by a physician if you begin to develop allergies within your home. Your physician will need to use a scope to look within your nasal passage to check for signs of swelling and a change of color within your nasal passage.
- 2). Tell your physician if your allergies become worse at night. According to the Mayo Clinic, symptoms can become worse after house cleaning or when you sleep at night. A higher incidence of allergy responses at night can help your physician confirm the presence of dust mites in your home.
- 3). Get an allergy skin test. Ask your allergist-immunologist (specialist of allergens) specifically to use the extract for dust mites to be tested on your skin. If you develop an itchy red bump at the site of the skin test, the source of your allergies within your home is due to dust mites.
Examination and Tests