How to Sterilize Dog Bones
- 1). Strip the bone of as much meat as possible. Much of the meat can be pulled off by hand, but tough tendons may need to be cut off with a knife. Do not worry if all of the meat cannot be removed.
- 2). Place the bone in a pot of water. The water level must be at least 2 inches higher than the bone. Put a lid on the pot.
- 3). Put the pot on the stove at high heat. Let the water boil for 30 minutes to kill bacteria, and to boil off any small pieces of meat.
- 4). Remove the pot from the heat after the 30-minute boiling period. Dump the water and let the bone cool down to room temperature.
- 5). Check the bone for any additional meat. Pull the meat off the bone. The bone can be given to the dog once it is clean and cool.