Is a Cold Sore Herpes or Is It Something Else?
If you are asking the question, is a cold sore herpes, then you are probably suffering from a sore on your mouth, and hoping for it to go away.
Well what causes cold sores is the herpes simplex 1 virus, but there are rare instances when herpes simplex 2 has caused some outbreaks on the lips, and herpes simplex 1 has been discovered on genital areas in full outbreaks.
These are rare occurrences and to answer the question of what is a cold sore, it is herpes simplex 1.
The most common mouth sore causes are herpes simplex 1, and having a canker sore on the mouth.
If you thought they were the same thing, you were wrong.
Canker sores are more commonly inside the mouth, and not on the lips.
Canker sores are not contagious, and are thought to be genetically inherited, although it has recently been proven that some environmental causes will create canker sores to break out, just as they do with the cold sores.
Herpes simplex 1 virus lies in a state of dormancy inside your body forever.
Once you have this virus there is no drug treatment or homeopathic remedy that will cause it to completely go away.
The very best thing that you can hope for is that you will find ways to prevent cold sores from happening as frequently, and as severely as they have been.
Once an outbreak has occurred you can purchase medications over the counter to help you relieve the painful sensations it causes, and some medications even shorten the duration of the outbreak.
You can discover homeopathic remedies, and preventions that work for you, and practice them so that you create less of a chance of having an outbreak.
The herpes simplex 1 virus did not start out in your body as an ugly cold sore, although you can spread the virus when you have a sore, every time you have a sore does not mean you have been exposed again.
Once you get this disease it stays in a state of suspension, awaiting the opportunity to spring to life, and create havoc.
When you first got the disease you were probably a child with a sore throat, maybe some mouth blisters.
This lasted a few days and then you returned to normal.
Most people do not suffer full outbreaks until adolescence.
Then our body is put to the test by some stress factor.
The stress may be caused by an illness like a fever, thus the reason people call theses sores fever blisters.
You may also have one after a cold has been present in your system, so therefore people call them cold sores.
The fact is all the fever or the cold did was weaken your body so the virus could surface, but they were not the cause of your outbreak.
Herpes is a nasty parasite of a virus that lies around and waits until you are busy fighting off something else, and then it rears its ugly head.
Well what causes cold sores is the herpes simplex 1 virus, but there are rare instances when herpes simplex 2 has caused some outbreaks on the lips, and herpes simplex 1 has been discovered on genital areas in full outbreaks.
These are rare occurrences and to answer the question of what is a cold sore, it is herpes simplex 1.
The most common mouth sore causes are herpes simplex 1, and having a canker sore on the mouth.
If you thought they were the same thing, you were wrong.
Canker sores are more commonly inside the mouth, and not on the lips.
Canker sores are not contagious, and are thought to be genetically inherited, although it has recently been proven that some environmental causes will create canker sores to break out, just as they do with the cold sores.
Herpes simplex 1 virus lies in a state of dormancy inside your body forever.
Once you have this virus there is no drug treatment or homeopathic remedy that will cause it to completely go away.
The very best thing that you can hope for is that you will find ways to prevent cold sores from happening as frequently, and as severely as they have been.
Once an outbreak has occurred you can purchase medications over the counter to help you relieve the painful sensations it causes, and some medications even shorten the duration of the outbreak.
You can discover homeopathic remedies, and preventions that work for you, and practice them so that you create less of a chance of having an outbreak.
The herpes simplex 1 virus did not start out in your body as an ugly cold sore, although you can spread the virus when you have a sore, every time you have a sore does not mean you have been exposed again.
Once you get this disease it stays in a state of suspension, awaiting the opportunity to spring to life, and create havoc.
When you first got the disease you were probably a child with a sore throat, maybe some mouth blisters.
This lasted a few days and then you returned to normal.
Most people do not suffer full outbreaks until adolescence.
Then our body is put to the test by some stress factor.
The stress may be caused by an illness like a fever, thus the reason people call theses sores fever blisters.
You may also have one after a cold has been present in your system, so therefore people call them cold sores.
The fact is all the fever or the cold did was weaken your body so the virus could surface, but they were not the cause of your outbreak.
Herpes is a nasty parasite of a virus that lies around and waits until you are busy fighting off something else, and then it rears its ugly head.