Ways To Test A Man" s Love For You? Find Out How To Know If His Love Is Real Or Not
There are times that love is just not enough. You both express love for each other, and say it enough times. But, you don't know if it's just out of habit, or if it's true genuine love. So you need some proven ways to know for sure if it's really love.
Is He Controlling?-
How does he act when you are around your friends, or if there are other guys who are hanging around you? Does he keep a light heart, or does it make him jealous, and almost act more possessively towards you? Try getting some of your friends who are guys to flirt with you, or make you laugh and entertain you. Test his reaction as a litmus test for how much he actually loves you. This will give you a great idea of the degree to which he feels about you.
Look Into His Eyes-
You can really tell a how a person by the heaviness in their eyes. When you look into his eyes, do you feel a real deep dense warmth and feeling that emanates from him? If you see his eyes open up and joy coming from his face then you have a lover on your hands.
You Meet His Close Family And Peers-
This is a great way to test his level of interest for you. If he is reluctant to introduce you to his family and close friends, people who are very dear to him, then it means you haven't quite forged a place in his heart quite yet. If he is happy to introduce you to them then he is definitely feeling love for you.
He Drops Other Plans, And Sacrifices Himself For You-
Is he willing to sacrfice other things that are important and enjoyable in his life. Like missing his favorit tv show, or missing a weekend with his friends, because he'd rather spend the time with you. If he will do anything to make you happy and make you feel good, then he loves you.
Will He Bring Up His Upbringing?-
Bring up matters concerning his childhood. Will he happily talk about his childhood memories, and let you in on all of his most cherished and deepest memories. Or does he block that chapter out of his life? If a man lets you inside that is a very special sacred thing you have. You have definitely passed the test and won his love.
Will He Discuss Future Plans?-
It never hurts to bring up close friends or relatives who are tying the know, or who have already done it. It even works effectively to speak of people who have had a successful long lasting marriage with each other. Test for how he reacts when this topic of conversation is brought up. If he is open and happy to speak about it, then he is ready for bigger things with you.
The 'Doberman' Trial-
Doberman are known for their loyalty to their owner. They protect, love and would never harm them under any circumstance. Test your man to see how loyal he is to you by seeing how he reacts when hit on by a friend. If he quickly declines then he is your Doberman.
Is He Controlling?-
How does he act when you are around your friends, or if there are other guys who are hanging around you? Does he keep a light heart, or does it make him jealous, and almost act more possessively towards you? Try getting some of your friends who are guys to flirt with you, or make you laugh and entertain you. Test his reaction as a litmus test for how much he actually loves you. This will give you a great idea of the degree to which he feels about you.
Look Into His Eyes-
You can really tell a how a person by the heaviness in their eyes. When you look into his eyes, do you feel a real deep dense warmth and feeling that emanates from him? If you see his eyes open up and joy coming from his face then you have a lover on your hands.
You Meet His Close Family And Peers-
This is a great way to test his level of interest for you. If he is reluctant to introduce you to his family and close friends, people who are very dear to him, then it means you haven't quite forged a place in his heart quite yet. If he is happy to introduce you to them then he is definitely feeling love for you.
He Drops Other Plans, And Sacrifices Himself For You-
Is he willing to sacrfice other things that are important and enjoyable in his life. Like missing his favorit tv show, or missing a weekend with his friends, because he'd rather spend the time with you. If he will do anything to make you happy and make you feel good, then he loves you.
Will He Bring Up His Upbringing?-
Bring up matters concerning his childhood. Will he happily talk about his childhood memories, and let you in on all of his most cherished and deepest memories. Or does he block that chapter out of his life? If a man lets you inside that is a very special sacred thing you have. You have definitely passed the test and won his love.
Will He Discuss Future Plans?-
It never hurts to bring up close friends or relatives who are tying the know, or who have already done it. It even works effectively to speak of people who have had a successful long lasting marriage with each other. Test for how he reacts when this topic of conversation is brought up. If he is open and happy to speak about it, then he is ready for bigger things with you.
The 'Doberman' Trial-
Doberman are known for their loyalty to their owner. They protect, love and would never harm them under any circumstance. Test your man to see how loyal he is to you by seeing how he reacts when hit on by a friend. If he quickly declines then he is your Doberman.