The Advantages of Invisalign for Adults
Invisalign straightens teeth, relieves crowding and closes gaps just like traditional braces, and both treatments cost about the same. Invisalign has several advantages over braces, however, especially for adults trying to make a favorable impression in the business world.
While wearing Invisalign, your teeth will look as though you are not wearing an orthodontic appliance. Invisalign, as the name implies, is invisible, so business associates will notice you, not your orthodontics.
Easily Removed
Although Invisalign must be worn most of the time for it to be effective, you can take the aligners off whenever necessary. Unlike many children, adults usually have the discipline to avoid misplacing the aligners when they're removed.
Better for Tooth and Gum Hygiene
Invisalign allows you to brush and floss your teeth normally for optimal dental health. Patients who wear braces usually have trouble flossing beneath the wires and brackets. In addition, teeth are sometimes discolored when braces are removed because it is so difficult to brush thoroughly.
Less irritating to the mouth
There is no sharp metal to cut or irritate your gums or the insides of your cheeks. Invasalign is made of smooth plastic with no sharp parts. Orthodontists also report that adults who wear braces complain about mouth irritation more often than younger patients wearing braces, perhaps because the adult mouth is more accustomed to normal sensation.
Allows you to eat the foods you enjoy
Since you remove Invisalign when you eat, you can enjoy your usual favorite foods. Patients getting braces have a list of foods that they must remember to avoid. With Invisalign, there is no need to call attention to your orthodontics by turning down food at office parties or gatherings with friends.
Fewer orthodontist visits
Invisalign requires less-frequent appointments, which works better for adults' busy schedules. You will only need to visit your orthodontist or Invisalign specialist every four to six weeks. Invisalign usually has a shorter treatment course as well, meaning that your teeth will be straighter sooner.
No emergency repairs
With invisalign, there are no emergency visits to the dentist to fix broken wires or brackets. When a wire is broken, it typically causes a cut or sore in the inside cheek, which gets worse the longer it takes to fit in an appointment. Adults often have trouble finding a slot in their busy day to make a visit to the orthodontist, but mumbling through a painful mouth doesn't make a good impression either.
No break-in period
There is no uncomfortable break-in period as there is with traditional braces. Those who've worn braces usually say that the most uncomfortable period is the week after getting spacers for the braces or receiving an adjustment. Invisalign provides more gentle movement of the teeth.
While wearing Invisalign, your teeth will look as though you are not wearing an orthodontic appliance. Invisalign, as the name implies, is invisible, so business associates will notice you, not your orthodontics.
Easily Removed
Although Invisalign must be worn most of the time for it to be effective, you can take the aligners off whenever necessary. Unlike many children, adults usually have the discipline to avoid misplacing the aligners when they're removed.
Better for Tooth and Gum Hygiene
Invisalign allows you to brush and floss your teeth normally for optimal dental health. Patients who wear braces usually have trouble flossing beneath the wires and brackets. In addition, teeth are sometimes discolored when braces are removed because it is so difficult to brush thoroughly.
Less irritating to the mouth
There is no sharp metal to cut or irritate your gums or the insides of your cheeks. Invasalign is made of smooth plastic with no sharp parts. Orthodontists also report that adults who wear braces complain about mouth irritation more often than younger patients wearing braces, perhaps because the adult mouth is more accustomed to normal sensation.
Allows you to eat the foods you enjoy
Since you remove Invisalign when you eat, you can enjoy your usual favorite foods. Patients getting braces have a list of foods that they must remember to avoid. With Invisalign, there is no need to call attention to your orthodontics by turning down food at office parties or gatherings with friends.
Fewer orthodontist visits
Invisalign requires less-frequent appointments, which works better for adults' busy schedules. You will only need to visit your orthodontist or Invisalign specialist every four to six weeks. Invisalign usually has a shorter treatment course as well, meaning that your teeth will be straighter sooner.
No emergency repairs
With invisalign, there are no emergency visits to the dentist to fix broken wires or brackets. When a wire is broken, it typically causes a cut or sore in the inside cheek, which gets worse the longer it takes to fit in an appointment. Adults often have trouble finding a slot in their busy day to make a visit to the orthodontist, but mumbling through a painful mouth doesn't make a good impression either.
No break-in period
There is no uncomfortable break-in period as there is with traditional braces. Those who've worn braces usually say that the most uncomfortable period is the week after getting spacers for the braces or receiving an adjustment. Invisalign provides more gentle movement of the teeth.