State and Federal Laws For Homeschoolers
It is important to impart good education to our children.
However, there are many who prefer to educate their children at home rather than sending them to schools.
This could be for a variety of reasons.
Some families have parents whose jobs keep them relocating very frequently, while others might opt for home schooling for religious reasons.
Whatever the reason might be, today, we see a rise in the number of children being home schooled and the number is expected to grow in the future.
While parents might wish to home school their children for as long as possible, the government makes it compulsory for children to attend school during certain stages.
Some states even make it mandatory for children to attend school from ages five to seventeen years.
Parents have to register themselves with the local education board stating their wish to home school their kids.
If a parent does not know the procedure, he can look it up on the relevant sites online.
There are also various organizations which help parents to home school their kids by providing the curriculum and study materials.
There is no general law for education which is applicable in the entire country.
It is left to the discretion of each and every state to set down the rules for education and homeschooler.
If one is new to the state, then it is best to educate oneself with the education system in that particular state.
The only law that the government has passed is the Equal Education Opportunities Act in the year 1974.
This law states that regardless of color, race or sex, a child must be educated.
No one can restrict the child from going to school or receiving an education.
It is every parent's duty to educate their child the way they see fit.
However, there are many who prefer to educate their children at home rather than sending them to schools.
This could be for a variety of reasons.
Some families have parents whose jobs keep them relocating very frequently, while others might opt for home schooling for religious reasons.
Whatever the reason might be, today, we see a rise in the number of children being home schooled and the number is expected to grow in the future.
While parents might wish to home school their children for as long as possible, the government makes it compulsory for children to attend school during certain stages.
Some states even make it mandatory for children to attend school from ages five to seventeen years.
Parents have to register themselves with the local education board stating their wish to home school their kids.
If a parent does not know the procedure, he can look it up on the relevant sites online.
There are also various organizations which help parents to home school their kids by providing the curriculum and study materials.
There is no general law for education which is applicable in the entire country.
It is left to the discretion of each and every state to set down the rules for education and homeschooler.
If one is new to the state, then it is best to educate oneself with the education system in that particular state.
The only law that the government has passed is the Equal Education Opportunities Act in the year 1974.
This law states that regardless of color, race or sex, a child must be educated.
No one can restrict the child from going to school or receiving an education.
It is every parent's duty to educate their child the way they see fit.