How to Convert the Flap on a Doggie Door to One That Closes
- 1). Pull the pins holding the old flap in place with the pliers.
- 2). Remove the old flap from the dog door. The new flap must be 1-inch longer and wider than the old flap.
- 3). Unroll the magnetic tape. Lay the tape on the side and bottom edges of the flap. Cut pieces of tape to fit. Remove the adhesive backing, and adhere the strips to the flap.
- 4). Cut three more pieces of magnetic tape. Turn the magnets so that they are attracted to the installed magnets. Lay each magnet on its magnetic counterpart attached to the flap.
- 5). Put the new flap in place, and insert the pins.
- 6). Remove the backing from the magnets attracted to the magnets on the flap. Press the flap against the door. This adheres the magnets to the edges of the door in perfect alignment with the magnets on the flap.