How to Repot a Hanging Staghorn Fern
- 1). Prepare a new planting container for your hanging staghorn fern before removing the fern from its current container. Choose a large, well-draining potting container. Select a container that is much larger than its current container to provide the staghorn fern plenty of room for growth.
- 2). Incorporate equal amounts of loamy, nutrient soil with fresh peat and clean, coarse sand. Mix the materials thoroughly to create a well-balanced loam. Line the bottom of the container with a thin layer of charcoal chips, and fill the container a little more than two-thirds of the way with the prepared soil.
- 3). Remove the staghorn fern gently from its container. Be sure to handle the base of the fern gently to avoid injuring the staghorn’s fine root system. Remove about two-thirds of the excess soil from around the fern’s root system. Leave the remaining third of the soil as it includes enzymes and bacteria the fern requires for best growth.
- 4). Prune the staghorn fern’s root system only if there are signs of rot. Remove any rotting roots with sharp, sterile shears. Trim the rotted roots back to the healthiest area. Sterilize the shears between each pruning cut to prevent spreading disease throughout the root system.
- 5). Place the staghorn fern in the center of its prepared container, and fill the container the rest of the way with soil. Press the soil firmly but gently around the base of the staghorn to secure its position. Irrigate the newly repotted staghorn fern deeply with tepid water until the excess water runs through the container’s drainage holes. Hang the container in a warm, humid location that receives partial, dappled sunlight. Hang the container sideways to promote growth from all sides of the container, if a wire basket container is selected.