Wrinkle Myths
- As the skin ages, the production of natural oils in the skin does decrease and make existing wrinkles look bigger. However, dry skin at a young age or in general does not cause wrinkles.
- You cannot rub wrinkles into your face by applying your moisturizer or foundation in downward strokes. Stretching your face in any direction for a short period of time will not cause wrinkles.
- Wrinkles only form at the rate collagen breaks down. Your wrinkles are not determined or set early in life. Sun exposure deteriorates collagen so the more time you spend in the sun, the faster your wrinkles will develop.
- There is a slight genetic factor to the prevalence of wrinkles, but the fact that your mother's face was lined with wrinkles does not mean yours will be too. Sun exposure, smoking and a poor diet are the biggest cause of wrinkles.
- There is no magic cream that will eliminate existing wrinkles from the face. All anti-wrinkle creams do is make your wrinkles look less apparent. Wrinkling is a part of the aging process and no amount of cream or Botox will prevent it.
Dry Skin Causes Wrinkles
Applying Makeup in Downward Strokes Causes Wrinkles
Wrinkles are Already Formed by Age 25 and Show Later
Wrinkles Are Purely Genetic
Treatments Eliminate Wrinkles