Stress - Is It Time For You To Tune In, Turn On and Drop Out?
Timothy Leary's timeless phrase Tune In, Turn on and Drop out, typified the essence of the 1960's - free love, losing yourself through psychedelic drugs and generally being a bit chilled-out...
But have you ever, at one time in your life, been unable to achieve want you want despite chucking loads of effort at a problem, and then along comes Mr "I wasn't really trying that hard" who achieved much more than you did, by doing more or less nothing? For those over-achievers out there, was that ever so slightly galling? Which leads me to ask the question.
Is being successful actually more about feeling relaxed and contented and nothing really to do with effort/work at all?? Here's an example.
Were you once on a beach or sitting in the garden smelling the roses, when you experienced a Eureka moment, providing you with the answer to a long-standing problem that had been plaguing you for weeks or even months? I consider myself to be a fairly driven person, and tend to work with lists.
I always have to achieve.
Most people who know me well are always saying to me "Wendy! How do you do so much? Where do you find the energy to produce all that?" Well, sometimes even I have to step off the roundabout occasionally to look at the world through different coloured glasses.
But sometimes I don't always take my own advice...
I confess that I can't help being a bit hyper-active, and sometimes need someone to say to me..
"Wendy! Step Away From the Computer And Take Some Time Off!" And sure enough last week I was FORCED to take some time out when I was struck down with a nasty virus.
How can I encourage my clients to take care of themselves if I'm not a walking talking example of how to lead a balanced life? So, last week the Universe decided it was time for me to Drop Out.
The meant I had to stop, pause and reflect, and an opportunity to hang out with two of my sisters.
We've been shopping, we've had lunch together, sat and talked and generally chilled out.
Non-negotiable recuperation.
I'm not a church goer either, but my next door neighbour also persuaded me to go along to a Julian Prayer evening at my local church.
That's half an hour of total silence.
A chance to not exactly pick up the phone and talk to God, but a rare opportunity to abandon the computer, the mobile, the warring relatives, the e-mails, TV and the business and just be for 30 minutes.
The experience was incredibly profound.
Now, the curious thing is that I am a keen advocate of meditation, I meditate on a regular basis.
But there is something about being with other people - just being, with no agenda which is so edifying.
Sometimes 'trying' or forcing an outcome isn't necessarily everyone's modus operandi.
Working harder and harder, or applying will power to a problem could actually prevent you from getting a breakthrough.
I'm not saying that determination, persistence and sheer bloody mindedness doesn't have it's place on the success ladder.
But did you know that even when you are engaged in seemingly mindless activities which don't actually, on the surface, appear to be particularly productive (like cleaning your teeth or walking the dog for instance) your brain is still working? Now since taking some time out I'm nearly back on track and with a new idea to follow up as well! Did the world grind to a halt, have I lost ground? No.
In fact I've had a new opportunity drop into my lap without me even trying.
Which kind of proves my point.
So if you're stuck with a problem that you assume has no answer, sometimes it really does pay to switch off and drop out for a few days.
You will probably come up with more ideas than a whole month of 'pushing the river'.
Sometimes you just have to let go and let the universe, your higher intelligence do it's work.
Sometimes it takes courage to 'wait and see' - because the answer just may not be ready to come to you yet - it's on it's way, but it's taking it's own sweet time! So your challenge this week is to schedule some time out...
even if you need to wait a few weeks to book it in the diary.
You can still chill every weekend through walking, meditation or quiet reflection.
You need to get in touch with your inner Wizard, who has all the answers, if you let it in.
Just let things unfold as they may.
If you've never done that before - have a go and let me know what happens to you...
But have you ever, at one time in your life, been unable to achieve want you want despite chucking loads of effort at a problem, and then along comes Mr "I wasn't really trying that hard" who achieved much more than you did, by doing more or less nothing? For those over-achievers out there, was that ever so slightly galling? Which leads me to ask the question.
Is being successful actually more about feeling relaxed and contented and nothing really to do with effort/work at all?? Here's an example.
Were you once on a beach or sitting in the garden smelling the roses, when you experienced a Eureka moment, providing you with the answer to a long-standing problem that had been plaguing you for weeks or even months? I consider myself to be a fairly driven person, and tend to work with lists.
I always have to achieve.
Most people who know me well are always saying to me "Wendy! How do you do so much? Where do you find the energy to produce all that?" Well, sometimes even I have to step off the roundabout occasionally to look at the world through different coloured glasses.
But sometimes I don't always take my own advice...
I confess that I can't help being a bit hyper-active, and sometimes need someone to say to me..
"Wendy! Step Away From the Computer And Take Some Time Off!" And sure enough last week I was FORCED to take some time out when I was struck down with a nasty virus.
How can I encourage my clients to take care of themselves if I'm not a walking talking example of how to lead a balanced life? So, last week the Universe decided it was time for me to Drop Out.
The meant I had to stop, pause and reflect, and an opportunity to hang out with two of my sisters.
We've been shopping, we've had lunch together, sat and talked and generally chilled out.
Non-negotiable recuperation.
I'm not a church goer either, but my next door neighbour also persuaded me to go along to a Julian Prayer evening at my local church.
That's half an hour of total silence.
A chance to not exactly pick up the phone and talk to God, but a rare opportunity to abandon the computer, the mobile, the warring relatives, the e-mails, TV and the business and just be for 30 minutes.
The experience was incredibly profound.
Now, the curious thing is that I am a keen advocate of meditation, I meditate on a regular basis.
But there is something about being with other people - just being, with no agenda which is so edifying.
Sometimes 'trying' or forcing an outcome isn't necessarily everyone's modus operandi.
Working harder and harder, or applying will power to a problem could actually prevent you from getting a breakthrough.
I'm not saying that determination, persistence and sheer bloody mindedness doesn't have it's place on the success ladder.
But did you know that even when you are engaged in seemingly mindless activities which don't actually, on the surface, appear to be particularly productive (like cleaning your teeth or walking the dog for instance) your brain is still working? Now since taking some time out I'm nearly back on track and with a new idea to follow up as well! Did the world grind to a halt, have I lost ground? No.
In fact I've had a new opportunity drop into my lap without me even trying.
Which kind of proves my point.
So if you're stuck with a problem that you assume has no answer, sometimes it really does pay to switch off and drop out for a few days.
You will probably come up with more ideas than a whole month of 'pushing the river'.
Sometimes you just have to let go and let the universe, your higher intelligence do it's work.
Sometimes it takes courage to 'wait and see' - because the answer just may not be ready to come to you yet - it's on it's way, but it's taking it's own sweet time! So your challenge this week is to schedule some time out...
even if you need to wait a few weeks to book it in the diary.
You can still chill every weekend through walking, meditation or quiet reflection.
You need to get in touch with your inner Wizard, who has all the answers, if you let it in.
Just let things unfold as they may.
If you've never done that before - have a go and let me know what happens to you...