Treating High Blood Pressure Causes
According to the American medical establishment, the cause of 90% of high blood pressure (also known as 'hypertension') is unknown.
But the fact is that the causes of hypertension are well known.
What the medical establishment is actually saying is that for the vast majority of people with hypertension, a single identifiable cause for their condition can't be proved beyond doubt.
If we look at the actual statistics and our own personal experiences then the major causes of hypertension isn't that hard to figure out.
The following are the five main causes of high blood pressure (HBP) listed in no particular order.
High blood pressure caused by Modern Diet That frozen take-home meal may taste great, not to mention fast and convenient.
It might also be slowly killing us.
I'm talking about highly processed foods full of saturated fats, trans-fats, salt, etc.
Over time all these unnecessary additives clog up our system and increase our blood pressure (BP).
These days we are literally eating ourselves to death.
The good news is that there are all sorts of tasty alternatives.
By switching to a healthy and tasty diet we can reverse the effects of of diet caused (HBP) back to healthy levels.
High blood pressure caused by Lack of Exercise Modern lifestyles and and endless stream of entertainment on the TV and the Internet doesn't encourage an active lifestyle.
Which is a pity because there's nothing our heart and blood circulatory system loves more than a daily workout.
High blood pressure caused by Stress Stress is not always as easy to detect as you make think.
Even after you have left the office and have left yet another bumper to bumper commute behind you, stress can hang on and infiltrate many other areas of your life.
Some people are more prone to stress than others.
Some stress may be good for you.
But too much for too long can lead to hypertension.
Thankfully, if your prone to stress build up there are ways to relief it and see it off - and lower your BP as a consequence.
High blood pressure caused by Genetics HBP tends to run in families.
If your parents suffer from HBP the likelihood of you developing it are greater.
Some people are simply more to get HBP simply due to their genetic structure.
That doesn't mean that there's nothing you can do about though.
If you have HBP 'in the genes' it just means that you have to work a little harder at achieving and maintaining a healthy range.
High blood pressure caused by Age Yep, its a fact that as we get older our blood circulatory system ages with us.
Veins tend to constrict and harden (aka.
The flow is decreased and the pressure decreases.
The medical establishment used to take this into account when determining acceptable BP.
It used to be systolic 100 plus your age was considered OK.
Now there's nothing we can do about getting older.
It happens to all of us, rich or poor, celebrity or hermit.
But there is a number of things we can do to arrest the ravages of time pumping up our BP.
Treating high blood pressure causes These are the five main causes causes of HBP.
The first three causes (diet, lack of exercise, stress) are a symptom of 21st century lifestyle while the other two causes (genetics and aging) are inescapable parts of being human.
Hypertension (the medical term for high blood pressure) as a result of the first three causes are easier to cure.
We simply have to change or diet, start exercising and de-stressing.
There are guides to help us accomplish this.
Hypertension caused by aging can also be countered by adopting a healthy lifestyle.
The effects of aging on your circulatory system be put of indefinitely through good diet and exercise.
Naturally based antioxidants now being made available can slow or even, to a degree, reverse the process of aging, according to tests.
Hypertension due to genetics can't be 'cured' - but it can be countered.
Having a genetic propensity towards HBP doesn't mean you are doomed.
It simply means that you have to work harder at maintaining a healthy blood pressure.
The bottom line is this: There's not a single cause of high blood pressure that can be treated and overcome by natural means if you are willing to make some lifestyle changes.
But the fact is that the causes of hypertension are well known.
What the medical establishment is actually saying is that for the vast majority of people with hypertension, a single identifiable cause for their condition can't be proved beyond doubt.
If we look at the actual statistics and our own personal experiences then the major causes of hypertension isn't that hard to figure out.
The following are the five main causes of high blood pressure (HBP) listed in no particular order.
High blood pressure caused by Modern Diet That frozen take-home meal may taste great, not to mention fast and convenient.
It might also be slowly killing us.
I'm talking about highly processed foods full of saturated fats, trans-fats, salt, etc.
Over time all these unnecessary additives clog up our system and increase our blood pressure (BP).
These days we are literally eating ourselves to death.
The good news is that there are all sorts of tasty alternatives.
By switching to a healthy and tasty diet we can reverse the effects of of diet caused (HBP) back to healthy levels.
High blood pressure caused by Lack of Exercise Modern lifestyles and and endless stream of entertainment on the TV and the Internet doesn't encourage an active lifestyle.
Which is a pity because there's nothing our heart and blood circulatory system loves more than a daily workout.
High blood pressure caused by Stress Stress is not always as easy to detect as you make think.
Even after you have left the office and have left yet another bumper to bumper commute behind you, stress can hang on and infiltrate many other areas of your life.
Some people are more prone to stress than others.
Some stress may be good for you.
But too much for too long can lead to hypertension.
Thankfully, if your prone to stress build up there are ways to relief it and see it off - and lower your BP as a consequence.
High blood pressure caused by Genetics HBP tends to run in families.
If your parents suffer from HBP the likelihood of you developing it are greater.
Some people are simply more to get HBP simply due to their genetic structure.
That doesn't mean that there's nothing you can do about though.
If you have HBP 'in the genes' it just means that you have to work a little harder at achieving and maintaining a healthy range.
High blood pressure caused by Age Yep, its a fact that as we get older our blood circulatory system ages with us.
Veins tend to constrict and harden (aka.
The flow is decreased and the pressure decreases.
The medical establishment used to take this into account when determining acceptable BP.
It used to be systolic 100 plus your age was considered OK.
Now there's nothing we can do about getting older.
It happens to all of us, rich or poor, celebrity or hermit.
But there is a number of things we can do to arrest the ravages of time pumping up our BP.
Treating high blood pressure causes These are the five main causes causes of HBP.
The first three causes (diet, lack of exercise, stress) are a symptom of 21st century lifestyle while the other two causes (genetics and aging) are inescapable parts of being human.
Hypertension (the medical term for high blood pressure) as a result of the first three causes are easier to cure.
We simply have to change or diet, start exercising and de-stressing.
There are guides to help us accomplish this.
Hypertension caused by aging can also be countered by adopting a healthy lifestyle.
The effects of aging on your circulatory system be put of indefinitely through good diet and exercise.
Naturally based antioxidants now being made available can slow or even, to a degree, reverse the process of aging, according to tests.
Hypertension due to genetics can't be 'cured' - but it can be countered.
Having a genetic propensity towards HBP doesn't mean you are doomed.
It simply means that you have to work harder at maintaining a healthy blood pressure.
The bottom line is this: There's not a single cause of high blood pressure that can be treated and overcome by natural means if you are willing to make some lifestyle changes.