Wrinkle Cure and Anti-Aging Skin Care - 3 Goals For Aging Gracefully
I don't know about you, but I want my skin to stay young.
You see, my 30th birthday is a few months away and I'm feeling a little insecure about passing this milestone.
I know it's just a number, but it still gets to me.
Anyway, I've been reevaluating a lot of areas of my life lately-career, relationships, where I live, and how I look.
With my skin health, I guess I'm transitioning from just general skincare to wrinkle cure and antiaging skin care.
I wrote down a list of things I could do to make my skin more beautiful.
It was a long list at first, filled up an entire page in a notepad.
But I know myself; I can only handle a few things at a time or I will get distracted.
So I narrowed it down to three.
Three is doable.
These goals are very specific to my life, but I think reading them will help you create your own concrete goals.
Okay, here it goes...
Eat a Good Breakfast This is not a diet transformation.
This is only about breakfast; I don't eat right in the morning, which sets me up for a whole day of poor eating.
My new goal: big healthy breakfast.
I'm talking eggs, bacon, oatmeal w/ blueberries, orange juice.
If I have to get up earlier, so be it.
Why this goal? Because, I believe, an overall healthy diet hinges on breakfast.
When you eat heartily in the morning, you don't leave your house hungry.
When you go out into the world hungry, you're vulnerable to all kinds of junk food temptations-driving up to a fast food window, donuts at the office, chips and candy bars in the vending machine.
Don't Suntan at the Beach This will be a hard one to break.
I go to the beach in S.
Carolina for a week every summer.
I like to lie out on the beach for hours and turn my skin golden brown.
I think I do it just to show off to people back home; it's more of a habit now than anything.
This summer it stops.
I'm going to wear a big t-shirt and always sit under an umbrella.
I don't need to roast my skin under UV rays just to get a suntan that will be gone in a week at home.
Change Skin Creams Actually, I've already done this one.
For the past couple weeks, I've been researching wrinkle cure and anti-aging skin care.
What's the most interesting thing I learned? Well, there are three root causes of wrinkles and skin aging.
They are: The loss of collagen and elastin The breakdown of hyaluronic acid Free radical oxidation damage Have you heard of these before? Because I had no clue about them.
For an anti-aging skin care cream to be effective, it has to target these three skin agers.
The one I was using before clearly didn't.
I even called up the company and asked them; they put me on hold and I hung up after waiting for ten minutes.
I threw my skin cream away after that phone call.
And I started researching which natural ingredients effectively combat the root causes of wrinkles.
It was slow going, but in a few days, I had the info I needed.
After that, finding a wrinkle cure and anti-aging skin care cream was simple-just a matter of looking at ingredient lists on labels.
So, those are my three goals for more beautiful skin.
What do you think? What are yours?
You see, my 30th birthday is a few months away and I'm feeling a little insecure about passing this milestone.
I know it's just a number, but it still gets to me.
Anyway, I've been reevaluating a lot of areas of my life lately-career, relationships, where I live, and how I look.
With my skin health, I guess I'm transitioning from just general skincare to wrinkle cure and antiaging skin care.
I wrote down a list of things I could do to make my skin more beautiful.
It was a long list at first, filled up an entire page in a notepad.
But I know myself; I can only handle a few things at a time or I will get distracted.
So I narrowed it down to three.
Three is doable.
These goals are very specific to my life, but I think reading them will help you create your own concrete goals.
Okay, here it goes...
Eat a Good Breakfast This is not a diet transformation.
This is only about breakfast; I don't eat right in the morning, which sets me up for a whole day of poor eating.
My new goal: big healthy breakfast.
I'm talking eggs, bacon, oatmeal w/ blueberries, orange juice.
If I have to get up earlier, so be it.
Why this goal? Because, I believe, an overall healthy diet hinges on breakfast.
When you eat heartily in the morning, you don't leave your house hungry.
When you go out into the world hungry, you're vulnerable to all kinds of junk food temptations-driving up to a fast food window, donuts at the office, chips and candy bars in the vending machine.
Don't Suntan at the Beach This will be a hard one to break.
I go to the beach in S.
Carolina for a week every summer.
I like to lie out on the beach for hours and turn my skin golden brown.
I think I do it just to show off to people back home; it's more of a habit now than anything.
This summer it stops.
I'm going to wear a big t-shirt and always sit under an umbrella.
I don't need to roast my skin under UV rays just to get a suntan that will be gone in a week at home.
Change Skin Creams Actually, I've already done this one.
For the past couple weeks, I've been researching wrinkle cure and anti-aging skin care.
What's the most interesting thing I learned? Well, there are three root causes of wrinkles and skin aging.
They are: The loss of collagen and elastin The breakdown of hyaluronic acid Free radical oxidation damage Have you heard of these before? Because I had no clue about them.
For an anti-aging skin care cream to be effective, it has to target these three skin agers.
The one I was using before clearly didn't.
I even called up the company and asked them; they put me on hold and I hung up after waiting for ten minutes.
I threw my skin cream away after that phone call.
And I started researching which natural ingredients effectively combat the root causes of wrinkles.
It was slow going, but in a few days, I had the info I needed.
After that, finding a wrinkle cure and anti-aging skin care cream was simple-just a matter of looking at ingredient lists on labels.
So, those are my three goals for more beautiful skin.
What do you think? What are yours?