Albino Leopard Gecko - Is The Care Any Different From Other Geckos?
Taking care of an Albino Leopard gecko is the same with the other geckos.
Leopards are easy to care, they are extremely docile, and lovable pets.
They also come in arrays of colors making them very stunning to look at.
This is how to care for geckos, albinos in particular: SIZE The size of a hatching is 3 to 4 inches long, adult female gecko's measure 7 to 8 inches while the males reaches 8 - 10 inches.
Some of the giant male geckos can reach up to a foot.
LIFE SPAN Generally they live quite a long time with a life expectancy of six to ten years but a lot of male gecko's lives up to 10 - 20 years.
HOUSING One or two Leopards can be housed together in a 20 - 30 gallon aquarium.
A screen cover is necessary to provide good ventilation and keep other insects or animals away from entering inside the cage.
It will also prevent small children from touching the geckos which is hazardous to your pets.
It will also inhibit crickets from jumping out the tank.
Housing the same size female geckos can be done but not males that are sexually mature, they will only give chaos and fight with each other.
Male and female geckos can only be place together in an aquarium only until they are in breeding size of 45 grams.
It is also reasonable to place a hide box inside the tank with moist moss or vermiculite, to aid leopards in shedding properly.
This setting can also be used in laying eggs when in breeding.
SUBSTRATE A sand substrate may be used in taking care for Albino Leopard Gecko but careful precautions must be considered if this is the preferred substrate for this may be the cause of your leopard impaction.
For safer substrate, the use of a newspaper, artificial turfs, pea gravel or flat stone may be used.
Gecko normally uses one corner as a bathroom so it is better to make the spot clean without disrupting the whole area when cleaning.
LIGHTING AND TEMPERATURE The best heating way is to use an under tank pad or tape.
It gives different variations of heat that they need but avoid exposing geckos on rocks which has the tendency to overheat and may cause burns to their skin.
The ideal hide box temperature is 86 - 90 degrees Fahrenheit at all times while the air temperature where the pet is housed above 73 degrees.
A low-wattage light is best use and for convenience on viewing the leopard and install it on top of the cage and leave it on for only twelve hours.
Albino leopard may be sensitive to light at first but they do well as a pet.
FOOD Geckos prefer live insects and not plants or veggies.
The best foods they can have are crickets.
Wax worms or super worms can also be fed once a week but not pinky mice.
To make the food more nutritious, it is better to "gut load" crickets in particular for a day before feeding it to your pet.
Dusting the insects with vitamins and minerals is appropriate by placing the crickets in a plastic bag and shake well ensuring that the insects are well coated.
These are just the basic steps of Albino Leopard gecko care and are very important to keep them healthy.
Leopards are easy to care, they are extremely docile, and lovable pets.
They also come in arrays of colors making them very stunning to look at.
This is how to care for geckos, albinos in particular: SIZE The size of a hatching is 3 to 4 inches long, adult female gecko's measure 7 to 8 inches while the males reaches 8 - 10 inches.
Some of the giant male geckos can reach up to a foot.
LIFE SPAN Generally they live quite a long time with a life expectancy of six to ten years but a lot of male gecko's lives up to 10 - 20 years.
HOUSING One or two Leopards can be housed together in a 20 - 30 gallon aquarium.
A screen cover is necessary to provide good ventilation and keep other insects or animals away from entering inside the cage.
It will also prevent small children from touching the geckos which is hazardous to your pets.
It will also inhibit crickets from jumping out the tank.
Housing the same size female geckos can be done but not males that are sexually mature, they will only give chaos and fight with each other.
Male and female geckos can only be place together in an aquarium only until they are in breeding size of 45 grams.
It is also reasonable to place a hide box inside the tank with moist moss or vermiculite, to aid leopards in shedding properly.
This setting can also be used in laying eggs when in breeding.
SUBSTRATE A sand substrate may be used in taking care for Albino Leopard Gecko but careful precautions must be considered if this is the preferred substrate for this may be the cause of your leopard impaction.
For safer substrate, the use of a newspaper, artificial turfs, pea gravel or flat stone may be used.
Gecko normally uses one corner as a bathroom so it is better to make the spot clean without disrupting the whole area when cleaning.
LIGHTING AND TEMPERATURE The best heating way is to use an under tank pad or tape.
It gives different variations of heat that they need but avoid exposing geckos on rocks which has the tendency to overheat and may cause burns to their skin.
The ideal hide box temperature is 86 - 90 degrees Fahrenheit at all times while the air temperature where the pet is housed above 73 degrees.
A low-wattage light is best use and for convenience on viewing the leopard and install it on top of the cage and leave it on for only twelve hours.
Albino leopard may be sensitive to light at first but they do well as a pet.
FOOD Geckos prefer live insects and not plants or veggies.
The best foods they can have are crickets.
Wax worms or super worms can also be fed once a week but not pinky mice.
To make the food more nutritious, it is better to "gut load" crickets in particular for a day before feeding it to your pet.
Dusting the insects with vitamins and minerals is appropriate by placing the crickets in a plastic bag and shake well ensuring that the insects are well coated.
These are just the basic steps of Albino Leopard gecko care and are very important to keep them healthy.