How To Make A Thousand Dollars A Week
If I asked you how would you make $1000 in the next week, what would you think? If you are already in a well paid job that pays $52K per annum you would say you already make that much, at least before taxes. But what if, like me, you are self employed, a freelance writer?
You can impose self limiting conditions on this and feel it is impossible to make a grand a week. You could argue that even if you made it one week there is no guarantee you will make it next week, or the week after. These are all self-limiting prophecies. Here's why.
First of all if you believe it can't be done, then you are 100% correct. It can't. You have beaten yourself before even beginning. If you believe you can then you are just as correct. You can.
Secondly, if you can do something once then you can do it again. And again. The definition of stupidity is to do the exact same thing over and over and expect a different result. So the reverse is also true. If you do the same thing over and over you will achieve the same result, all factors remaining the same of course. Change one of the factors affecting the process and you can expect a different result. It might be better or worse, there is equal chance of either occurring.
So how do you make $1000 a week. Keep in mind a week is not just 40 hours, 9-5 Monday to Friday. A week is made up of 24 hours in a day, seven days in a week and that gives you 168 hours to play with. In other words you only need an hourly rate of $5.90. Less than minimum wage!
Of course you can't stay awake 24/7 and most people think of earning money in the old trade time for dollars formula. That is why in a 40 hour week you have to earn $25 every hour to make a thousand bucks and then lose some of that in tax. So what is the solution?
Create your own company. As a company you pay tax on what is left after you pay salaries, overheads and creditors, etc. Your taxable component of the $1000 might be just a few bucks if anything, compared to Ms Salary Gal who pays tax on the entire gorilla.
Then create a product that is available for purchase 24/7, even while you sleep, party, mind the children whatever. If you can't write eBooks or develop killer software, just buy a domain name, get onto an affiliate program or utilise Google Adsense. There has never been a better time to gain financial independence. Surf the net and check out the various offerings but keep in mind you get nothing for nothing and even the free opportunities require you to invest time and effort in studying and learning the processes.
One last thing, or maybe two. You don't need to make $1000 from one site, in fact I doubt most of us can. But if you make just ten dollars from a hundred sites or $100 from just ten sites, you make the grand. Lastly, don't forget what Mr Miyagi told Daniel-San in "The Karate Kid". "There is only do, or not do. There is no 'try'. "
You can impose self limiting conditions on this and feel it is impossible to make a grand a week. You could argue that even if you made it one week there is no guarantee you will make it next week, or the week after. These are all self-limiting prophecies. Here's why.
First of all if you believe it can't be done, then you are 100% correct. It can't. You have beaten yourself before even beginning. If you believe you can then you are just as correct. You can.
Secondly, if you can do something once then you can do it again. And again. The definition of stupidity is to do the exact same thing over and over and expect a different result. So the reverse is also true. If you do the same thing over and over you will achieve the same result, all factors remaining the same of course. Change one of the factors affecting the process and you can expect a different result. It might be better or worse, there is equal chance of either occurring.
So how do you make $1000 a week. Keep in mind a week is not just 40 hours, 9-5 Monday to Friday. A week is made up of 24 hours in a day, seven days in a week and that gives you 168 hours to play with. In other words you only need an hourly rate of $5.90. Less than minimum wage!
Of course you can't stay awake 24/7 and most people think of earning money in the old trade time for dollars formula. That is why in a 40 hour week you have to earn $25 every hour to make a thousand bucks and then lose some of that in tax. So what is the solution?
Create your own company. As a company you pay tax on what is left after you pay salaries, overheads and creditors, etc. Your taxable component of the $1000 might be just a few bucks if anything, compared to Ms Salary Gal who pays tax on the entire gorilla.
Then create a product that is available for purchase 24/7, even while you sleep, party, mind the children whatever. If you can't write eBooks or develop killer software, just buy a domain name, get onto an affiliate program or utilise Google Adsense. There has never been a better time to gain financial independence. Surf the net and check out the various offerings but keep in mind you get nothing for nothing and even the free opportunities require you to invest time and effort in studying and learning the processes.
One last thing, or maybe two. You don't need to make $1000 from one site, in fact I doubt most of us can. But if you make just ten dollars from a hundred sites or $100 from just ten sites, you make the grand. Lastly, don't forget what Mr Miyagi told Daniel-San in "The Karate Kid". "There is only do, or not do. There is no 'try'. "