How to Stop Your Dog From Nipping Strangers
- 1). Start early. Socialize your puppy with as many strangers and children as possible by keeping them on a leash and allowing them to sniff strangers that come to your door on a regular basis--such as the mailman, newspaper delivery person, or the meter reader.
- 2). Keep your older dog on a leash at all times when strangers will be present.
- 3). Give visitors who are unfamiliar to the dog a warning before they enter your home that your dog has a tendency to bite or nip at strangers.
- 4). Keep a package of treats at the door for strangers who enter your home. Ask each person who enters to give your dog a treat so he or she begins to associate new people with a good thing.
- 5). Praise the dog for accepting the treat without becoming aggressive toward the stranger.