How to Change the Beneficiary on Series EE Bonds
- 1). Download the Treasury Form PD F 4000 from the Forms page of the website. The link to the Forms can be found in the blue menu bar across the top of every webpage. If you cannot print the form, the page has a place to select the form, enter your address and the form will be mailed to you.
- 2). Complete the Form PD F 4000. On your computer, the form is interactive and you can type in the information before printing. Instructions for the form are on Pages 4 to 6, and it may be helpful to print those pages out first.
- 3). Print the PD F 4000 but do not sign the form.
- 4). Take the form to your bank to have the signature of the listed owner certified by a bank officer. The Treasury will not add the beneficiary to the savings bond unless the owner's signature is properly certified.
- 5). Mail the Form PD F 4000 and the series EE savings bonds to the address listed on Page 6 of the form.