How Key Cabinet Keeps Your Keys Safe
The security of the keys that provide access to secured, confidential and high priority area has always been a major concern for organizations and people that require safeguarding their security keys. If a person is entrusted to issue the keys and then also collect it back and record the procedure, it is all the more a thankless job and is also laden with possibilities of flaws. If a key is not returned by a user and is misused by him, then the responsibility lies on the person entrusted with the job of collecting and issuing the keys. However, all such issues get obliterated, once you start using key cabinet for your security keys.
The key cabinets come along with an access panel that works on the RFID technology. The keys are also attached with €ProxCylinder€ that is also able to emit and detect radio signals. The body of the cabinet is made of strong material that is resistant to forceful breach, thus leaving authorized access as the only access option to reach to the keys and also to return the keys. If assessed, one can identify the following three important ways in which the cabinets keep your keys safe.
Authorized access
The control panel that comes along with the cabinet can be customized to allow access to different users. This panel also enables the administrator to specify the keys that a user has access to. The access to the cabinet is also stringent and cannot be broken. Moreover, the panel also records the usage of every user and thus you can easily know for how long the key was with a particular user.
Sturdy material
The body of the cabinet is made of steel and other similar strong metals. The body of the cabinet is also thick and as a minimum standard 12 mm thick steel plates are used for making of key cabinet. You can even find cabinets that are made of 16 mm thick steel plate. Some of the cabinets are also equipped with a metallic sheet. However, if you choose to go with a cabinet that has a clear glass window, then also it is safe since the glass used is quite strong and in case of forceful breach the cabinet will start the alarm bell.
No mismatch
If a user that has access to a less important key replaces it with a high level security key, then also he will not be able to deposit the key in its respective slot. Key cabinets have individual slots fix for each electronic key and thus it is only possible to deposit a key in its slot. Thus it prevents any type of mismatch of keys and user rights to access it.
The key cabinets come along with an access panel that works on the RFID technology. The keys are also attached with €ProxCylinder€ that is also able to emit and detect radio signals. The body of the cabinet is made of strong material that is resistant to forceful breach, thus leaving authorized access as the only access option to reach to the keys and also to return the keys. If assessed, one can identify the following three important ways in which the cabinets keep your keys safe.
Authorized access
The control panel that comes along with the cabinet can be customized to allow access to different users. This panel also enables the administrator to specify the keys that a user has access to. The access to the cabinet is also stringent and cannot be broken. Moreover, the panel also records the usage of every user and thus you can easily know for how long the key was with a particular user.
Sturdy material
The body of the cabinet is made of steel and other similar strong metals. The body of the cabinet is also thick and as a minimum standard 12 mm thick steel plates are used for making of key cabinet. You can even find cabinets that are made of 16 mm thick steel plate. Some of the cabinets are also equipped with a metallic sheet. However, if you choose to go with a cabinet that has a clear glass window, then also it is safe since the glass used is quite strong and in case of forceful breach the cabinet will start the alarm bell.
No mismatch
If a user that has access to a less important key replaces it with a high level security key, then also he will not be able to deposit the key in its respective slot. Key cabinets have individual slots fix for each electronic key and thus it is only possible to deposit a key in its slot. Thus it prevents any type of mismatch of keys and user rights to access it.