Win Your Ex Back Even If There is Someone Else in Your Respective Lives
Breaking up after a long relationship is very traumatic for anyone.
What makes it even worse is if your other half seems to not care enough, and has begun to date someone else.
This will obviously make you feel absolutely terrible, and very angry, especially if you still have very deep feelings for your ex.
However, even though there is someone else in your ex's life, with perseverance, you can win your ex back.
One important thing to remember is that your ex might have gone into a new relationship straight after your break-up, as a way to ease the anger and hurt he/she is feeling, just as you are.
This type of relationship is usually temporary, and definitely does not mean that you can't win your ex back.
The fact that your ex is involved with someone else complicates the situation even further, as there is now a third person around, who is unaware of your intentions to win your ex back.
Do remember that the person that they are involved with was not the cause of your break-up, so their feelings should be taken into consideration.
This is the time that you will have to be a very strong person.
Ignore, for the moment, the fact that there is someone else in your ex's life, and don't interfere.
Maybe being away from each other for a while is just what you need at this point in time to help you both make a decision about each other.
Don't sit around moping about your ex, enjoy your life, and perhaps get involved with someone else as well.
Having other partners in your lives will be the perfect opportunity to see if your feelings for each other are as strong as they were when you first began dating.
The one danger in this situation is that your new respective partners might be hurt in the process of you winning your ex back.
One way to ensure that you do not hurt their feelings, is to remember just how bad you felt after you and your ex broke up, and have consideration for your new partner's feelings.
You and your ex might just decide to get back together again, and this is when you must both ensure that when you break up with your respective partners, to make it as easy as possible for them.
Let the current situation carry on for a while.
Although this may seem like a strange way to win your ex back, it is the best way of testing your feelings for each other.
Enjoy the person you are with at the moment, and, in time, if you and your ex still have strong feelings for each other, and are meant for each other, you WILL get back together again, and enjoy a long, love-filled, happy relationship.
What makes it even worse is if your other half seems to not care enough, and has begun to date someone else.
This will obviously make you feel absolutely terrible, and very angry, especially if you still have very deep feelings for your ex.
However, even though there is someone else in your ex's life, with perseverance, you can win your ex back.
One important thing to remember is that your ex might have gone into a new relationship straight after your break-up, as a way to ease the anger and hurt he/she is feeling, just as you are.
This type of relationship is usually temporary, and definitely does not mean that you can't win your ex back.
The fact that your ex is involved with someone else complicates the situation even further, as there is now a third person around, who is unaware of your intentions to win your ex back.
Do remember that the person that they are involved with was not the cause of your break-up, so their feelings should be taken into consideration.
This is the time that you will have to be a very strong person.
Ignore, for the moment, the fact that there is someone else in your ex's life, and don't interfere.
Maybe being away from each other for a while is just what you need at this point in time to help you both make a decision about each other.
Don't sit around moping about your ex, enjoy your life, and perhaps get involved with someone else as well.
Having other partners in your lives will be the perfect opportunity to see if your feelings for each other are as strong as they were when you first began dating.
The one danger in this situation is that your new respective partners might be hurt in the process of you winning your ex back.
One way to ensure that you do not hurt their feelings, is to remember just how bad you felt after you and your ex broke up, and have consideration for your new partner's feelings.
You and your ex might just decide to get back together again, and this is when you must both ensure that when you break up with your respective partners, to make it as easy as possible for them.
Let the current situation carry on for a while.
Although this may seem like a strange way to win your ex back, it is the best way of testing your feelings for each other.
Enjoy the person you are with at the moment, and, in time, if you and your ex still have strong feelings for each other, and are meant for each other, you WILL get back together again, and enjoy a long, love-filled, happy relationship.