How to Make a Gift Box Cake Top
- 1). Prepare three store-bought cake mixes as the boxes instruct. Make the cakes in 9-inch square baking dishes. Once the cakes are done baking, allow them to cool completely before proceeding.
- 2). Choose two pieces of wood that are the same width of the cake and at least as long as the cake. Depending on the type of cake you use and your altitude, pieces that are 2 inches wide and 10 inches long are appropriate. Lay the wood down on either side of the cake and use a serrated knife, placed flush with the wood, to cut off the top of each of the cakes. The wood strips help ensure your cake is level.
- 3). Layer the three cakes using a layer of store bought frosting between each. Assemble the cake on the intended serving platter.
- 4). Place a 10-inch-long strip of wax paper under each edge of the bottom of the cake. This will keep the frosting from getting on your serving platter. Frost the top and sides of the layered cake. Remove the wax paper and discard it. Set the cake aside.
- 5). Wear food-grade gloves to mix the food coloring into 48 oz. of white fondant. Add the food coloring one drop at a time--you can always add more if needed. Mix until you reach your desired color for the gift box. Separate 1/4 of the colored fondant, wrap it in plastic wrap and set it aside.
- 6). Sprinkle enough powdered sugar onto your work surface to create a thin layer to keep the fondant from sticking.
- 7). Use a rolling pin with rubber spacers to make a 26-inch square of fondant that is 1/4-inch thick. Rubber spacers are like rubber bands that are placed over the ends of the rolling pin to ensure you get an even thickness; they can be purchased at culinary supply stores. If air bubbles appear in your fondant, use the tip of a toothpick to puncture them.
- 8). Place the rolled fondant over top of your frosted cake and use your hands to smooth it. Use a sharp knife to trim the excess fondant from the bottom of the cake. Use a dry pastry brush to brush away any visible powdered sugar.
- 9). Sprinkle more powdered sugar on your work surface and use your rolling pin with the rubber spaces to roll out the reserved fondant. It should be a strip that is 2-1/2 inches wide and 25 inches long. This will make the lid of the box.
- 10
Use a sharp knife to trim the fondant strip to 2 inches thick. - 11
Apply a thin layer of frosting to the side of the cake, near the top. Wrap the strip of fondant around the side of the cake and press it into the frosting. Use your fingers to smooth it and trim off any excess. - 12
Roll another 24-oz. box of fondant out to a 1/4-inch thickness using your rolling pin with rubber spacers and use a pizza cutter to cut it into 28 strips that are about 1 inch wide and 6 inches long. If you want the bow to be a particular color, mix the fondant with food coloring like you did in Step 5. - 13
Stretch a 1-inch dowel rod out across the tops of two chairs. Hang the 28 loops over the handle. Pinch the ends of each strip together and leave them to dry for 24 hours. - 14
Place a 2-inch square of wax paper into the bottom of a round plastic bowl that is 6 to 7 inches in diameter. Place a 1-inch dab of frosting that is the same color as your fondant onto the wax paper. - 15
Remove the strips from the dowel and place seven of them in the bowl with their points meeting at the frosting dab. Place some upright and some on their sides. Add more frosting on top of the ends. Continue layering and adding more frosting until the bow is complete. - 16
Allow the frosting to dry for four to five hours before flipping the bowl upside down to remove the bow. Take off the wax paper. Place your completed bow on top of your gift box cake, securing it with a bit of frosting.