Turfanosuchus Facts
Turfanosuchus (Greek for "Turfan crocodile"); pronounced TUR-fan-oh-SOO-kuss
Plains of eastern Asia
Historical Period
Middle Triassic (235 million years ago)
Size and Weight
About three feet long and 5-10 pounds
Distinguishing Characteristics
Slender build; long neck
About Turfanosuchus
Small, skittering archosaurs--the predecessors of dinosaurs, pterosaurs and crocodiles--were thick on the ground during the middle Triassic period, about 235 million years ago.
As a result, archosaur classification can be a tricky business, as witness Turfanosuchus, which was initially pegged as a close relative of Euparkeria but was later assigned to a family (the aetosaurs) that made it closer kin to prehistoric reptiles like Stagonolepis and Desmatosuchus. Despite the "-suchus" at the end of its name, Turfanosuchus was not a true crocodile, lying completely outside the "crurotarsi" family to which ancestral crocodiles belonged.