Things to Do to Make Him Want You! Do This and Your Man Will Want You More Than Ever Before
In a relationship you have to constantly work on it to keep the romance and the spark alive.
Otherwise in this highly connected world there are a number of distractions that will cause the relationship to crack and eventually break.
Here are seven things that you can do to keep your man happy and wanting you more.
Touch A touch can tell him more about your feelings than words.
Whenever you are talking to him get a bit physical and touch his arm or his knee.
Let him know that you desire him physically.
A casual touch with a hint of mischief will also do the trick.
This can be done in the most public of places without offending anyone.
1000 watt smile To show that you are really pleased to meet him what better way than flashing that 1000 watt smile.
However, do not overdo it or it will kill all the fun.
Show that you are genuinely pleased to meet him with your smile.
Notes, text, mails When he is having a busy day send him a note with a bunch of flowers or hide a note, which he will find later, professing your love.
You may also send him a two line email telling him how much you miss him and how much you want to be with him.
This will relax him in the midst of tiring schedule and he will love you for it.
Keep the calls to a minimum It is best that you do not disturb him with your calls.
Frequent callers are generally insecure women.
Give him the space to do his things and call him only when necessary.
Hugs and kisses Whenever you meet your man or whenever you are taking leave make sure you give him a nice warm hug and a delicious kiss that will linger for a long time.
Show your affection and he will keep coming back for more.
Take each date seriously Even if you have known him for sometime now it still makes sense that whenever you go out on a date you are looking smashing.
Men like to show their girls around and feel proud when others enviously look at their girl.
So keep updating your wardrobe and turn out in the best possible attire with matching hair style and makeup.
Great sex Sex is an integral part of a relationship; it is also the highest form of interaction between a man and woman.
Great sex not only cements a relationship but also bonds you and your man.
Otherwise in this highly connected world there are a number of distractions that will cause the relationship to crack and eventually break.
Here are seven things that you can do to keep your man happy and wanting you more.
Touch A touch can tell him more about your feelings than words.
Whenever you are talking to him get a bit physical and touch his arm or his knee.
Let him know that you desire him physically.
A casual touch with a hint of mischief will also do the trick.
This can be done in the most public of places without offending anyone.
1000 watt smile To show that you are really pleased to meet him what better way than flashing that 1000 watt smile.
However, do not overdo it or it will kill all the fun.
Show that you are genuinely pleased to meet him with your smile.
Notes, text, mails When he is having a busy day send him a note with a bunch of flowers or hide a note, which he will find later, professing your love.
You may also send him a two line email telling him how much you miss him and how much you want to be with him.
This will relax him in the midst of tiring schedule and he will love you for it.
Keep the calls to a minimum It is best that you do not disturb him with your calls.
Frequent callers are generally insecure women.
Give him the space to do his things and call him only when necessary.
Hugs and kisses Whenever you meet your man or whenever you are taking leave make sure you give him a nice warm hug and a delicious kiss that will linger for a long time.
Show your affection and he will keep coming back for more.
Take each date seriously Even if you have known him for sometime now it still makes sense that whenever you go out on a date you are looking smashing.
Men like to show their girls around and feel proud when others enviously look at their girl.
So keep updating your wardrobe and turn out in the best possible attire with matching hair style and makeup.
Great sex Sex is an integral part of a relationship; it is also the highest form of interaction between a man and woman.
Great sex not only cements a relationship but also bonds you and your man.