The Legend of Guy Fawkes Mask…
I just finished watching the movie "V for Vendetta" today and I must admit that the plot of the story somehow captured my interest. The film is actually an adaptation of the comic book of the same title by Allan Moore and David Lloyd. The story revolves around the life of its 3 main characters, Evey (portrayed by Natalie Portman), a working class girl who must determine if her hero has become the very menace that she is fighting against; "V" (portrayed by Hugo Weaving), a bold, charismatic freedom fighter driven to exact revenge to those who disfigured him; and Finch (portrayed by Stephen Rhea), the detective leading a desperate quest to capture V before he ignites a revolution.Climactic part of the film was its ending, Detective Finch after her realization of the Norsefire regime's corruption, she allowed Evey to send the train full of explosives and also the dead body of the main character "V". As this is happening, thousand of Londoners, all wearing Guy Fawkes Masks, and unarmed, marched on Parliament to watch the event as per "V's" encouragement when he starts sending those mask to everyone. With the tune of the "1812 Overture", the Parliament and the "Big Ben" were destroyed as the people, Evey and Finch look on. The film ended with the scene wherein Finch asked Evey about the real identity of V and the latter just replied "He was all of us."The one thing that was really emblazoned on my mind after watching the film is about the mask (the Guy Fawkes Mask) that was used by its main character "V' and then later on by the people of London towards the ending. Curious as I am, I made some research about it. I learned that the mask is the stylized depiction of Guy Fawkes, the best known member of the Gunpowder Plot who attempted to blow up the House of Lords in London in 1605. The mask has long been used since then on effigies that will be put on fire on the celebration of the Guy Fawkes Night. The mask has pick up it's popularity when it was used on the film adaption of the comic book V for Vendetta and then eventually when it was used by a certain group of protesters starting with the protest against the Church of Scientology in 2008 (lead by Anonymous's Project Chanology), the 2011 Wisconsin protest and the 2011 Occupy Wall Street protest. The Occupy Movement which is an international protest movement against social and economic inequality has used the mask to become the very symbol of their popular rebellion.
--------Interested to know more about the history of the person behind the Guy Fawkes Mask? Buy your copy of Cindy Wright's e-book entitled "Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot" at a very affordable price on the following site:Cindy Wright e-Books: on Amazon Kindle Everywhere - -
--------Interested to know more about the history of the person behind the Guy Fawkes Mask? Buy your copy of Cindy Wright's e-book entitled "Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot" at a very affordable price on the following site:Cindy Wright e-Books: on Amazon Kindle Everywhere - -