How Posture Affects Communication At Workplace
Whenever we talk about communication, it is verbal communication that we mostly consider. But besides oral communication, non verbal communication is also of great importance for determining your attitude and conveying your feeling in any social situations, such as at your workplace! In fact, researches have shown body language contributes to nearly 55 per cent of ones communication at the workplace and hence it is recommended that you pay enough attention to your posture at workplace in order to build up a good reputation.
There are certain postures that convey a negative attitude and you should practice using less of them. Folded arms or crossed legs usually send the message that you are being defensive or are not interested in hat is happening. It also shows that you withdrawn from the entire situation and are not ready to embrace any ne idea that comes out.
You should avoid sending such negative signals at your workplace. In order to do so, maintain a more relaxed posture with your elbows opened out, knees a little spaced out and the arms a bit away from the body. This will suggest a more confident and open minded attitude which must be exactly what you want! There are certain other things that you should keep in mind regarding your posture.
If you droop while standing or keep your head bent downwards or look at the floor all the time, you would be sending the wrong signal to your colleagues and boss. People are more likely to ignore you than take you seriously. So always stand with your back straight and head held high and look into people's eyes when you talk to them. This will make you look more confident and smart.
But, whereas standing straight boosts up your confidence, leaning slightly can also be effective at times. When you talk to someone, leaning towards that person indicates that you are interested in him and whatever he has to say. On the other hand, if you want to create a more relaxed atmosphere, leaning slightly backward on your chair can be useful.
Another interesting posture that can positively affect your communication at the workplace is "mirroring"! Mirroring helps in developing a connection with the other person in a very subtle manner.
All you need to do is copy the gestures of your listener. If he leans back, you also lean back. This will help in developing a close bond between you and your listener. But when you do this, make sure you are not too conscious about it and do not repeat the actions immediately.
Spend some time before you copy the actions. If you are aware of these effects of posture on your communication at workplace, you will soon be able to use them in a positive way!
There are certain postures that convey a negative attitude and you should practice using less of them. Folded arms or crossed legs usually send the message that you are being defensive or are not interested in hat is happening. It also shows that you withdrawn from the entire situation and are not ready to embrace any ne idea that comes out.
You should avoid sending such negative signals at your workplace. In order to do so, maintain a more relaxed posture with your elbows opened out, knees a little spaced out and the arms a bit away from the body. This will suggest a more confident and open minded attitude which must be exactly what you want! There are certain other things that you should keep in mind regarding your posture.
If you droop while standing or keep your head bent downwards or look at the floor all the time, you would be sending the wrong signal to your colleagues and boss. People are more likely to ignore you than take you seriously. So always stand with your back straight and head held high and look into people's eyes when you talk to them. This will make you look more confident and smart.
But, whereas standing straight boosts up your confidence, leaning slightly can also be effective at times. When you talk to someone, leaning towards that person indicates that you are interested in him and whatever he has to say. On the other hand, if you want to create a more relaxed atmosphere, leaning slightly backward on your chair can be useful.
Another interesting posture that can positively affect your communication at the workplace is "mirroring"! Mirroring helps in developing a connection with the other person in a very subtle manner.
All you need to do is copy the gestures of your listener. If he leans back, you also lean back. This will help in developing a close bond between you and your listener. But when you do this, make sure you are not too conscious about it and do not repeat the actions immediately.
Spend some time before you copy the actions. If you are aware of these effects of posture on your communication at workplace, you will soon be able to use them in a positive way!