"Naruto: Rise of a Ninja" Fighting Techniques
- The Aeriel Stop Killer Combo is one of the best techniques in the game. It enables the easy dodging of jumping, which usually jumps right over enemies blindly rushing in, while still allowing Naruto to pack a bit of a wallop. To perform this combo, press the Up and Y buttons, followed by the X button.
- Once you learn the Shadow Clone jutsu during the course of the game, the Rising Ground Uppercut combo can really inflict damage. Press Down and the Y button to make Naruto enter the ground and propel himself upwards to hit the opponent with an uppercut. Once you hit the opponent, press the left trigger and swing the two analog sticks up and out, with the left stick going up and then left, and the right stick going up and then right.
- When you see a flashing red icon on the screen, immediately press the left and right triggers on your controller. Naruto will enter rage mode, where he can inflict great damage with his attacks, all while remaining impervious to damage against him. Use rage mode to inflict damage and then go back to being a tactical fighter once you're no longer safe from damage.
- Although the substitution jutsu is common, using it appropriately is the best way to be a tactical fighter. Using substitution isn't always the best idea. If the opponent is using a combo, interrupt or block the attack, if possible. If the combo is continuing and you have no escape, try to substitute by pressing the A button. The next attack will connect with a log. If the opponent is a bit of distance away, instead of waiting for the combo to reach you to substitute, press the right button to throw a kunai and interrupt his combo.
- Some techniques or combos take a small window of time to perform. If your opponent is far enough away, throwing a kunai would take too long to reach them and interrupt their attack. Instead, try the Dashing Back attack by pressing Up and either the X or Y button. This allows Naruto to appear immediately behind the enemy and launch an attack. The enemy will be attacking the opposite way, keeping you clear. If the opponent substitutes and attacks, try substituting with the A button.
Aeriel Stop Killer Combo
Rising Ground Uppercut Combo
Rage Mode
Substitution Technique
Dashing Back Attack