Romantic Haunted French Castle - Brissac Castle
Haunted Brissac Castle was built as a fortified castle by the Counts of Anjou in the 11th century. During the religious based French wars, the haunted castle was given over to Henry de Navarre in 1589. It was badly damaged during the civil war that followed between the Protestants and the Catholics. The Catholics were lead by the infamous Catherine de Medici and her sons and the Protestants were lead by Henry de Navarre. The damage to the castle was so severe that for a time, it was scheduled for demolition, but was purchased and renovated by the Duke of Brissac only to fall into disrepair again during the French Revolution. Again it was saved in 1844 by the Duke of Brissac's family. Brissac is the tallest castle in France. It is seven stories high and it towers over the French Countryside with imposing Gothic towers and shadowed windows that inspire the imagination.
The ghosts of this haunted castle are not ghosts of war. They are the ghosts of a thwarted husband and his unfaithful wife. For a period, the paranormal castle was owned by a noble named Jacque. Jacque was a successful man with a beautiful and faithless wife. His wife, Charlotte, took a lover and was completely indiscreet in her affair. The legend says that she would make love to her young man in the room next to her husband, keeping him awake with the sounds of the affair. Jacque couldn't take the abuse and it wasn't long before his wife and her lover vanished. But the two murdered lovers had their revenge, their moaning continued, even after their death. It filled the castle, driving Jacque mad and making him flee his own home. Visitors to Brissac say that the two lovers still fill the night with the sounds of their passion and their ghosts forever linger in the shadows of the haunted Brissac Castle. A paranormal endless love!
Tours are available and this French castle makes a great haunted vacation destination for the lovers of history, art, romantic castles and the nature surrounding it. You will want to keep your ears alert for the ghostly sounds of the supernatural lovers. If you are looking for exciting places and haunted castles to visit for your next ghost hunting haunted vacation or doing some research on supernatural occurrences hope youll find this haunted vacation destinations site helpful.
The ghosts of this haunted castle are not ghosts of war. They are the ghosts of a thwarted husband and his unfaithful wife. For a period, the paranormal castle was owned by a noble named Jacque. Jacque was a successful man with a beautiful and faithless wife. His wife, Charlotte, took a lover and was completely indiscreet in her affair. The legend says that she would make love to her young man in the room next to her husband, keeping him awake with the sounds of the affair. Jacque couldn't take the abuse and it wasn't long before his wife and her lover vanished. But the two murdered lovers had their revenge, their moaning continued, even after their death. It filled the castle, driving Jacque mad and making him flee his own home. Visitors to Brissac say that the two lovers still fill the night with the sounds of their passion and their ghosts forever linger in the shadows of the haunted Brissac Castle. A paranormal endless love!
Tours are available and this French castle makes a great haunted vacation destination for the lovers of history, art, romantic castles and the nature surrounding it. You will want to keep your ears alert for the ghostly sounds of the supernatural lovers. If you are looking for exciting places and haunted castles to visit for your next ghost hunting haunted vacation or doing some research on supernatural occurrences hope youll find this haunted vacation destinations site helpful.