The Green Green Grass of Anywhere Else
The grass is always greener everywhere you look.
It is a human emotion that we are never quite satisfied with what we have.
We take everything for granted and we never quite know what we have until it is gone.
Why is it that we have to learn the hard way and that we just can't settle for something that we have.
It always appears that everyone else is happier than us.
That every relationship goes through the motions a lot easier than what ours do.
Everyone else doesn't have any problems and how lucky they are.
When in fact they are most probably going through the same doubts as you are.
They think your life is better than theirs and that everything in your relationship is harmonious.
The fact is you are both going through the same emotion and that is that the grass is always greener elsewhere.
It is like when you are eating dinner.
You see some fries on someone else plate.
They always look tastier than the ones on yours, so you take a bite of theirs and they think nothing of it.
When you taste them however you realize they are exactly the same fries as you have on your plate.
But you didn't realize what you had until you tried something else.
Well in dating this is something that you can't quite achieve.
You can meet someone outside of the relationship and want to sample what she's like.
But unlike the food you can't just merrily go back and eat your own fries again.
In fact if you are unfaithful to the fries on your plate you could end up with no fries at all and that is a sad day for everyone.
Nobody wins and everybody gets hurt including you because you couldn't just settle.
This all goes back to Adam and Eve of course and the temptation of the Garden of Eden.
We can never be content with what we have we always want to try a little bit more.
Especially in dating this is.
It is okay to fantasize and dream of things but the moment you go to have something with another woman you will be eating the poison apple.
And there is no coming back from this poison apple.
So be happy with what you have because it is better than you think.
Appreciate everything and take nothing for granted.
The grass is very rarely greener.
It is a human emotion that we are never quite satisfied with what we have.
We take everything for granted and we never quite know what we have until it is gone.
Why is it that we have to learn the hard way and that we just can't settle for something that we have.
It always appears that everyone else is happier than us.
That every relationship goes through the motions a lot easier than what ours do.
Everyone else doesn't have any problems and how lucky they are.
When in fact they are most probably going through the same doubts as you are.
They think your life is better than theirs and that everything in your relationship is harmonious.
The fact is you are both going through the same emotion and that is that the grass is always greener elsewhere.
It is like when you are eating dinner.
You see some fries on someone else plate.
They always look tastier than the ones on yours, so you take a bite of theirs and they think nothing of it.
When you taste them however you realize they are exactly the same fries as you have on your plate.
But you didn't realize what you had until you tried something else.
Well in dating this is something that you can't quite achieve.
You can meet someone outside of the relationship and want to sample what she's like.
But unlike the food you can't just merrily go back and eat your own fries again.
In fact if you are unfaithful to the fries on your plate you could end up with no fries at all and that is a sad day for everyone.
Nobody wins and everybody gets hurt including you because you couldn't just settle.
This all goes back to Adam and Eve of course and the temptation of the Garden of Eden.
We can never be content with what we have we always want to try a little bit more.
Especially in dating this is.
It is okay to fantasize and dream of things but the moment you go to have something with another woman you will be eating the poison apple.
And there is no coming back from this poison apple.
So be happy with what you have because it is better than you think.
Appreciate everything and take nothing for granted.
The grass is very rarely greener.